[BFN] Battlefield Nations

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Website: www.battlefieldnations.com • Created: 2014-02-27

224,537 / 238,000

1707h 23m
Battlefield Nations (=BFN=) was started by a small group of friends and avid online gamers with a vision to provide a place where like-minded people can come and game together.

Over the past few years, that small group has been expanded with each new game title release to be the thriving community that we now have today.

=BFN= cater for all sorts of gamers with differing levels of skill. There are several levels of membership to =BFN=

Please note that we only accept BFN members and applicants to the platoon, and those who are actively using TeamSpeak.

If you want to find out more about us visit our website
http://www.battlefieldnations.com [battlefieldnations.com]


Can all members please check the forum for the thread that says "Forthcoming Games Night" and leave suggestions!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Do not forget to check out our imminent alternative game night on the 15th May
10 years ago
Alternative game night moved to 1st June. Going to be once a month now
10 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
Merry X-Mas to You All and A Happy New Year
10 years ago • 0 Like
Nice AIMBOTER your Zarringhalam...He is now repoted by MetaBans.Dice and EA. All Players report him.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Well we certainly appreciate your intention to expose a cheater amongst our ranks, however misguided it may be in this particular case. Zarringhalam has been thoroughly checked for cheats and scripts and at no time has anything suspicious ever come to light.

There are average players, there are below average players and there are those who are very good. You and I would fall into the average to below average category, Zarringhallam falls into the latter.
10 years ago
Thank you for visiting our page Viperman, we appreciate your kind words of encouragement and hope to see you soon on the battlefield, have a wonderful day! :)
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
That comment is incorrect. Looking at the past 5 games, Zarringhallam finished 4 out of the 5. Hardly "ALLWAYS get out from the Server"

He had a 25% accuracy with a DMR which is no where near aimbot accuracy nor is it suspicious on a map such as Operation Locker with narrow fields of fire.

I notice that you did not finish that round as well, should we then infer that you were using a cheat since you left before the end of the round, it proves nothing. A consistently good player will get consistently good scores.

Do not think that we are being complacent. If it ever transpires that we are incorrect with our research up to this point, we would have no problem what so ever at removing any player that is caught and proven to be cheating from our community.
10 years ago
Alternative game night 1st June. 19:00 BST. Do Not Forget
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks go out to Lipovsky for redesigning our Platoon "Badge". It is much better than the temp one that I did imho.

If you want to use it, just click on "Use Emblem and Tag" (left hand side of page under the emblem).
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey guys! Some of U noticed during our gameplays my moaning about my hard drive (slow game loading and stuff), well it turned out that the problem was actually caused by Windows Defender. I use other antiviral software and after the last system reinstalation I totally forgot to turn the Defender bastard off. So now, If any of U guys who're not using SSD drives and havin the same issue as mine TURN THE DEFENDER OFF! :) Greeting to ya'll n have a good day/night :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Daaaamn! I should trust my experience more, the laging was caused by MANTLE.. hahaha
11 years ago
Mantle for the fail then eh?
11 years ago
Hello there! :) How'zit goin'? Hope u're all guys fine n dandy.. Just wanted to say that I guess I'm not gonna be able to support U in BF4 till sunday this week. I'm doin early shifts till then so I get up at 5.30 :/.. So, I'll meet U guys 'when the time comes' ;). T8k care men (and ladies;)). Respect n quality! :]
11 years ago • 0 Like
Can I join even if it's to let Tiller abuse me
11 years ago • 0 Like
Apply as member and be online on TS and they'll vote if you're gonna get a "full membership" and get entered in the platoon.
11 years ago
Invite us in !
11 years ago • 0 Like
Platoon is for BFN members Sil3x. You are more than welcome to join us on TS when we are gaming though. If you like gaming with us, go the next step and apply to join as a member.
11 years ago
BFN Platoon is up and running.
11 years ago • 3 likes
This side for public announcements :P
11 years ago