[BEF] British Expeditionary

  • Founder

View all Members (3)

Created: 2016-03-31

10,016 / 11,000

22h 43m
We are the British Expeditionary Force, we are the best that the mighty British Empire has to offer in this time of war. We will march our way through the dead Huns and fly our flag over Berlin. We will fight and die until the enemies of the crown are no more and we will not stop until all know the power of the British Empire.

The British Expeditionary Force is based off the BEF of WW1. This force consisted of the best infantry the British Empire had available. They were initially sent to the Western Front and were extremely effective against German forces. In one instance German forces tried to attack the BEF but was met with an extreme volume of fire, in fact the Germans thought they were being fired upon by machine guns where in reality it was just very well trained British soldiers who could fire off the Lee Enfield rifles extremely fast.

We operate on BF4 but we will expand onto BF1 when it comes out and cease activities on BF4 once a majority of players have switched to BF1. This isn't to say that there won't ever be any activity on BF4 but most support will be dropped as soon as BF1 is released.

The point of this clan is to get together battlefield players who know what they're doing and participate in activities that would otherwise be impossible to organise. If you are a member of BEF then you can join in on our weekly activities. These activities include, PVP matches with alternate rules i.e repair torch only, EOD bots only ect, training matches where you can learn new skills and generally improving your abilities in BF from experienced players who have picked up skills over there time of playing BF, or just squad up with members of the clan to play a public match.

Since we want the best of the best there is a standard you need to meet before you can join. Firstly you need to have an Xbox One. Secondly you need be at least level 100 on BF4. Thirdly you need to have a minimum K/D of 1.2 on BF4/BF1. If you meet these requirements then you are eligible to join the British Expeditionary Force. If not then you must demonstrate your usefulness to the clan e.g, you can recruit regularly, you have personal server the clan can use, you have experience running and maintaing a clan.

Contact either the founder (Commando Haig) or one of many leaders if you wish to join us. Contact Commando Haig on Skype (dirty.smoothskin) if you have any questions, problems or suggestions for the clan just let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Just remember that Commando Haig operates off GTM+10 time and lives in Melbourne Australia so if you operate off a different time zone it may be harder to contact him but don't worry you haven't been forgotten.

It is also important to note that the British Expeditionary Force is a sub clan to the Commandos. If for some reason a major change has been made or something odd has happened in management it is most likely because of a decision made by the Commandos.


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?