[p] -persistance-

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Created: 2014-07-04

3,899 / 13,000

37h 39m

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

Tell a friend to tell a friend because ~pErSiStAnCe~ is back and on Battlefield 4 now! We are a team orientated clan you must know how to follow as well as give directions. We currently still remain undefeated in all games and platforms(just so you other clans know what your steppin into) We are currently rebuilding for Battlefield 4

If you want to join our clan, (~pErSiStAnCe~), you must meet the requirements listed below.

1.you must have a mic.(we need to be able to hear you in order to communicate and work as a team)
2.you must know how to work well with others to win any game mode.(teamwork is key)
3.you must get along with others(we don't want any assholes in the clan)
4.must be 17 years old or older(no children allowed)
5.try to participate in any clan wars that we may have

If you fit these requirements then msg any leader on the platoon about joining and we will be happy to let you in...

all members add any or all leaders so we can play together as much as possible

Battefiled 4 clan war record:0-0


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?