[FC] FlatlinersClan

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Website: www.flatlinersclan.com • Created: 2014-02-27

20,593,957 / 3,306,000

8005h 19m


4 years ago • 0 Like
=) you be got
4 years ago
I play regularly with a couple of you, Id totally be down to join you's! I miss squad play
4 years ago • 0 Like
i added you... jump in discord with us https://discordapp.com/api/download?platform=win... [discordapp.com] ill send ya the link onec you add me
4 years ago
Rrrrr Cows Allowed ?
4 years ago • 0 Like
lol.. dont see why not its a fkn zoo in here
4 years ago
get discord if you dont have it,,, we can all squad up https://discordapp.com/api/download?platform=win [discordapp.com]
4 years ago
@ProStock thankyou for trying,, i think i messed my stuff up more then we can see..lol...who knows maybe a new build for this winter =)
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey fellas im not gonna lie. I am very new to pc gaming but not to gaming in general.
Ive been playing battlefield on playstation since badcompany 2. Just want to join a group of guys who like to fight as a team and have fun at the same time. So if i can i would like to tryout for the platoon. Thanks fellas
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, I've been playing on RTR 1 for a while now and quite enjoy playing in the same squads as your members and have high regards for your playing ability. Don't know if you need a good recon on FC, but I've been looking for a good group to join. I'm top 1% recon as well as top 1% SRR-61.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Your top two members average around three or four hours per day of gameplay since the release. That is quite impressive.
9 years ago • 0 Like