[GADE] Grupo Armado De Elite

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Created: 2016-08-29

97,335 / 190,000

1107h 14m


Puede ser que no sea un chetado. si mirais sus estadísticas es un puto manco que solo mata con el socom, las minas y el helicóptero, con el resto de armas es bastante malo el tio, y con el heli si que mata pero lo controla bien el tio y tiene un ratio de 1.52 con el heli asi que no es ni demasiado lo que mata
8 years ago • 0 Like
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8 years ago
Fusible... I NO CHEAT, i know how to avoid stinger easy...there is many techniques to learn if you want to fly a helicopter well, you obviously dont understand the mechanics behind the game. I can dodge 40 stingers in one game, because i know information that you dont, you dont understand how things work in reality. I have many tips for helicopter and i help alot of people get good in helicopter. Knowledge is key.I could tell you many things about helicopter and how to be good, you have to do certain things, which comes with experience. No cheat no hack no mod JUST 100% skill. I am a honest person, i hate cheaters myself , i also can kill cheater easy in heli i did 51-0 against a hacker yesterday A REAL HACKER ...his name is rabit_327, he is a real hacker but i nemesis kill him and i do not cheat. I can kill hackers easy in helicopter because they cant use ONE HIT KILL MOD unless they shoot me through the cockpit window. I know how to defeat cheater, yet you call me a cheater when im not. Your not going to win any awards for making hackusations against players who are anti cheat like myself. Just stop
8 years ago