[DA] Dads Army

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Created: 2014-02-27

93,361 / 104,000

461h 2m
"You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
Robert Louis Stevenson

Perfectly Suits our Clan and what We Are all About!!


Hey guys, dont know if yall are active on here anymore but i was wondering if any of you guys still play battlefield, i used to play with you guys back on ps3 :D Name: Obliveration_Ace
you guys moved to ps4 and we didnt talk from then on, just wanted to see how you guys are and if you still played. If you do still play my new psn name is : TheCarnageEU ive sent most of you guys a friend request so you should see me
8 years ago • 1 Like
Still here Ace
7 years ago
clan battle now! you guys ready to get demolished!! come chat with me whenever! so we can set up a schedule to fight/ and or battle!
10 years ago • 0 Like
demolished thats funny!
10 years ago
Just applied to join your clan looks fuckin swag
10 years ago • 2 likes
they are the best guys too.
10 years ago
We are open to recruitment but a strict code of conduct needs to be adhered to so we can guarantee your 100% dedication:

1. This will be your ONLY clan, all other clans that you are associated with need to be disbanded.

2. There will be NO blue on blue (i.e. No Team Knifing, No Team Kills etc) Anybody subject to breaking this rule deliberately will be disbanded from DA.

3. We will only accept team players as this is our main ethos and has worked well since Battlefield 2 and we have been very successful.

4. Before joining you MUST have played with one of the Founders as we don't accept anybody like most clans.

5. You must have a MIC and have good COMMUNICATION skills as this is key to our Team Play Rule.

6. No excessive use of inappropriate language.

Main thing is play fair and have fun.

If you would like to join contact one of our Founding members
10 years ago • 2 likes
Anybody out there that can read this, we would like to arrange Clan Battles if possible so please let us know if your interested and we shall try and arrange one way or another. Thank You.
10 years ago • 4 likes
2 / 5 comments Read more
We can battle hostels together. Server is running to Sept.
10 years ago
Ok Thank you Knights3Templar. Ill see if i can save your server and arrange some battles would be brilliant :-)
10 years ago