[TG73] Taurigaming Rogue 73
Website: forum.taurigaming.cz •
Created: 2015-06-22
3,872,881 / 3,306,000
2331h 0m
Official group for frequent players on Taurigaming servers , Particularly #73 Taurigaming Rogue Transmission
Link to server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/cs/servers/show/pc/e2912cf2-982c-45d3-85bd-a905402c3bf4/EU-CZ-73-TauriGaming-cz-TDM-24-7-RogueTransmission/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Server Rules:
No Insulting or Swearing
No Racism
#73 TauriGaming.cz | TDM 24|7 RogueTransmission
Link to server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/cs/servers/show/pc/e2912cf2-982c-45d3-85bd-a905402c3bf4/EU-CZ-73-TauriGaming-cz-TDM-24-7-RogueTransmission/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Server Rules:
No Insulting or Swearing
No Racism
#73 TauriGaming.cz | TDM 24|7 RogueTransmission
Hello there!
TotallyEvilDuck here!
I created our platoon in BF1 - join it! :)
http://imgur.com/a/xJhTV [imgur.com]
TotallyEvilDuck here!
I created our platoon in BF1 - join it! :)
http://imgur.com/a/xJhTV [imgur.com]
7 years ago • 1
like this
Hello community server TG 73
As you have noticed the server disappeared
The server is recreated at another hosting with 60Hz setting ..
link is here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2912cf2-982c-45d3-85bd-a905402c3bf4/EU-CZ-73-TauriGaming-cz-TDM-24-7-RogueTransmission/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Admins are the preference, again .. ProCon IP and PORT here
IP :
PORT : 14400
If someone will not sign up for an account or Procon will have a strange set up your account regarding the rights to the server so please contact me te
Greeting Iko_cz
As you have noticed the server disappeared
The server is recreated at another hosting with 60Hz setting ..
link is here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2912cf2-982c-45d3-85bd-a905402c3bf4/EU-CZ-73-TauriGaming-cz-TDM-24-7-RogueTransmission/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Admins are the preference, again .. ProCon IP and PORT here
IP :
PORT : 14400
If someone will not sign up for an account or Procon will have a strange set up your account regarding the rights to the server so please contact me te
Greeting Iko_cz
7 years ago • 2
G2_cbddbZ and
like this
____ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿ '\ ̵͇̿̿ \ z = (▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) = ε / ̵͇̿̿ /' ̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿____
Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0
Whanowa , Well done on Completion Level .
Gun Master Medal ! Superp.
No Gunmaster Service star ?
Gun Master Medal ! Superp.
No Gunmaster Service star ?
4 years ago • 0
Prosím hráče aby stvrdili účast nickem že budou hrát 30.6.2019 CQ s 100L
2x po 700 ticketů případě 1:1 ….3 rozhodující mapa ,Golmud ,minimílně 13 hráčů stremování- Fefe od Pitbullů.
Pravidla žádný ..comander ...server by jsme použili 75 ta tak nelaguje jako 77 a dáme heslo...jen bych poprosil IKA nebo SMECA o nastaveni serveru, jelikož mám plné práva ale stejně po nastavení se server nastavaví po kole do původního nastavení ….. raming, kradení techniky ze základen,baserape,attack na base......ohledně leaseru a naváděcích střel bych je nechal patří to technice...i c4 na autech
Pro 100L prosím RainbowSVK hráče vypsat zde na kontrolu přes https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/jarinczt#toc-current-bf4-battlelog-stats [247fairplay.com] vyšetřovaný či podezřelí hráč s cheatem nebude hrát zápas
I-Stats (BF3)
I-Stats (BF4)
Cheat-O-Meter (BF3)
FRStats.net (BF3)
Battlelog (BF3)
Battlelog (BF4)
BF3Stats.com (BF3)
BF4Stats.com (BF4)
2x po 700 ticketů případě 1:1 ….3 rozhodující mapa ,Golmud ,minimílně 13 hráčů stremování- Fefe od Pitbullů.
Pravidla žádný ..comander ...server by jsme použili 75 ta tak nelaguje jako 77 a dáme heslo...jen bych poprosil IKA nebo SMECA o nastaveni serveru, jelikož mám plné práva ale stejně po nastavení se server nastavaví po kole do původního nastavení ….. raming, kradení techniky ze základen,baserape,attack na base......ohledně leaseru a naváděcích střel bych je nechal patří to technice...i c4 na autech
Pro 100L prosím RainbowSVK hráče vypsat zde na kontrolu přes https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/jarinczt#toc-current-bf4-battlelog-stats [247fairplay.com] vyšetřovaný či podezřelí hráč s cheatem nebude hrát zápas
I-Stats (BF3)
I-Stats (BF4)
Cheat-O-Meter (BF3)
FRStats.net (BF3)
Battlelog (BF3)
Battlelog (BF4)
BF3Stats.com (BF3)
BF4Stats.com (BF4)
5 years ago • 0
I invite you to one of the oldest servers. admins online. with any weapon and any mods. only hardcore only tdm !!! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/servers/show/pc/be271728-bf83-49db-8ba1-2d2eef357c02/BEAR-OLD-Friends-TDM-HARDCORE-VK-COM-BEARBF/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 0
FURY GAMING приглашает вас на сервер OPERATION LOCKER
Сервер с адекватными администраторами и с простыми правилами.
Наш игровой сервер:
WE PLAY ONLY OPERATION_LOCKER 3200 TICKETS: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/90572d41-20f0-4660-9abe-fe9b307440c4/FURY-PLAY-ONLY-OPERATION-LOCKER-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]]
С уважением FURY GAMING.
Голосовой Discord сервер для общения: https://discord.gg/eDNSXHR [discord.gg]
Если вы активный игрок и предпочитаете карту OPERATION LOCKER тогда мы вас ждём!
С уважением FURY GAMING.
7 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/servers/show/pc/f1f63f4c-c461-445e-949d-d78eb139fe37/RnG-Moonshiners-1-ALL-WEAPONS-ALLOWED/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
7 years ago • 0
Hi guys ..
I ended up working at taurigaming.cz
Please admins to address problems with server tg 73 on SmecoSVK users
Thank you for all the work you have done for my TG work
See yaa soldier´s
I ended up working at taurigaming.cz
Please admins to address problems with server tg 73 on SmecoSVK users
Thank you for all the work you have done for my TG work
See yaa soldier´s
7 years ago • 0
Important announcement
As some may know, BF1 has recently been updated to incorporate an in game platoon function. Added to this, it seems that we as a community have not really played together in a long time, and that frankly is a damn shame.
Now personally, I love BF1 and would want to recreate our servers, at least a high ticket TDM one. But for now, please consider joining the Platoon on BF1's platoon service, it would be awesome.
As some may know, BF1 has recently been updated to incorporate an in game platoon function. Added to this, it seems that we as a community have not really played together in a long time, and that frankly is a damn shame.
Now personally, I love BF1 and would want to recreate our servers, at least a high ticket TDM one. But for now, please consider joining the Platoon on BF1's platoon service, it would be awesome.
7 years ago • 1
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Also would like to thank Totallyevilduck for keeping this community maintained :]
7 years ago
Haha, thanks Danny; tbh I havent been playing bf for some time... just waiting for new dlc, cause i got bored with vanilla and the 1st one... se you soon there! <3
7 years ago
Hello gyz!
we have a problem. There is so many hakcers now on BF4. Nothing new, a? But we must rid off them. I spand lot of time on ur server, so can i have admin rights?
we have a problem. There is so many hakcers now on BF4. Nothing new, a? But we must rid off them. I spand lot of time on ur server, so can i have admin rights?
7 years ago • 0
Cheater at TG73 Rouge, Convergencee. TG73 member said he recorded him also.
7 years ago • 0
SniPSpro is fucking cheater.Kick him from the clan until it is all of you outed.If you respect yourself,then expel this degenerate.
8 years ago • 0
LOL snipspro had been in our community, but he was a retard so we kicked him. And now as i can see he is back <3 rofl
8 years ago
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/servers/show/pc/2b8ffbc8-5439-41c1-aef7-03c00c3b81fb/RnG-Moonshiners-1-ALL-WEAPONS-ALLOWED/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
Praxizek and
like this
Thanks dude, appreciate it !
There are some thing's from your stats:
1. Shorty 12G - 579kills
2.M1014 - 544kills
3. Saiga 12K - 540kills
4.QBS-09 - 520kills
Greetings from Czech!
There are some thing's from your stats:
1. Shorty 12G - 579kills
2.M1014 - 544kills
3. Saiga 12K - 540kills
4.QBS-09 - 520kills
Greetings from Czech!
8 years ago
Zdravím všechny Adminy
chci promazat učty na Procon layeru a zjistit kdo je aktivní a neaktivní z řad ADMIN
Do komentářu napište komentář "já admin"
ponechám na vyjádření 2-3 týdny a potom si to pročtu a ti co budou v komentáři,ponechám a ti kteří NE! smažu (vypnu práva)
Greetings to all Admins
I want to grease accounts for Procon layer and find out who is active and inactive among ADMIN
The comments your comment "I admin"
I leave it to express 2-3 weeks and then you read it and those who will be in a comment, I will leave and those who do not! delete (turn right)
chci promazat učty na Procon layeru a zjistit kdo je aktivní a neaktivní z řad ADMIN
Do komentářu napište komentář "já admin"
ponechám na vyjádření 2-3 týdny a potom si to pročtu a ti co budou v komentáři,ponechám a ti kteří NE! smažu (vypnu práva)
Greetings to all Admins
I want to grease accounts for Procon layer and find out who is active and inactive among ADMIN
The comments your comment "I admin"
I leave it to express 2-3 weeks and then you read it and those who will be in a comment, I will leave and those who do not! delete (turn right)
8 years ago • 0
Hi all hope ur doing fine ? :D
since that u guys got almost the final cinematic server left as REC public was shutdown ,i was hoping to get permissions to change maps as its quite hard to find an admin when needed i am sure u guys understand what i mean and thx again for keeping the cinematic community alive :D
since that u guys got almost the final cinematic server left as REC public was shutdown ,i was hoping to get permissions to change maps as its quite hard to find an admin when needed i am sure u guys understand what i mean and thx again for keeping the cinematic community alive :D
8 years ago • 0
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