[TOP] TacticsOverPrinciples

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Website: www.tacticsoverprinciples.com • Created: 2014-02-27

12,546,902 / 3,306,000

4485h 57m
Our teamspeak: ts.tacticsoverprinciples.com

TOP - We have more fun than you!

A large active adult gaming community since 2005. Multi-national with half of our members in the Americas and half in Europe. Multi-gaming over many online PC games.

TOP is a collection of players that share a GAMING PHILOSOPHY. We focus on true communication and teamwork. We go deep into understanding and using available game mechanics. We share what we learn and openly criticize each other to improve. Complaining is shunned in voice and chat. Stats are never considered seriously. We don't compete with each other and instead work as a team when we play online.

The moniker "Tactics over Principles" reflects our feelings regarding the concept of "fair play" making the gaming experience in multiplayer fair to coddle the feelings of those who lone-wolf and refuse to work as a team to gain the advantages we garner in our efforts.

"We value the TACTICS of teamwork OVER the PRINCIPLES of "fair play"."

There is no hierarchy or central leadership. All full members have admin and mod status on all sites, servers, and voips at all times. This allows for true friendships and prohibits members judging each other. It also allows an inviting environment for those that can lead and organize or to create new communities from an established platform.

There is no seniority in TOP. Every member is an equal here. Once you become a member you are always a member as it never expires.

There exists no attendance requirements. You are not restricted to membership in TOP only. There are no dues.

There is no censorship in the community nor is there a moral code that you need to apply to aside from hacking online games.

We have lots of fun griefing and goofing off just like any other group but with an added game play mode called "Serious Play" that enables us to run tight squad and vehicle tactics when we want to play tight.

To join simply connect to the teamspeak server and meet the members. Once the members know you well enough someone can start a member vote for you to be a full member. If are not interested in joining but want to play with us you can do that as well.

********** Teamspeak info: ts.tacticsoverprinciples.com **********


...you want to make a lot of friends that love their games as much as you do.

...you want structured teamplay without bulky training rituals and dysfunctional "military realism" requirements.

...you are looking for more intense team play in pubs when you play every night.

...you hate complaining and drama.

...you want to be treated as an adult.

...you have a small group of close friends that you want to continue to play with yet meet new players without risk of getting split up by drama.

...your current platoon issues and enforces a flawed "code of conduct" that hangs over your head when you play and communicate.

...you hate being censored and monitored by "leadership" in your own forums.

...you have trouble finding true teamwork in a community without having to call some 15year old "sir" for three months.

...your platoon makes you take training sessions and tests yet lacks any kind of effective public gameplay experience to benefit.

...your community forces you to report in periodically, pay dues, kiss some admins ass, or doesn't let you join other groups to enjoy your game.

Gaming Philosophy: Game Theory, Dunning–Kruger effect, Force Multipliers, Asset Management, Smurf Herding, Cadances and Callsigns.

To the SMURFS: It is not our job to make you a better player. It is not our job to make your experience enjoyable. Your only purpose is to move little men around for us to shoot at.


1st to the public feed!!! :P

Come say hello at: ts.tacticsoverprinciples.com
11 years ago • 4 likes
2 / 5 comments Read more
I'm deleting them. LOL not sure why we want those videos on our public feed. If you want to troll around use the private feed. Thanks
11 years ago
That video was of the bum saying BF for life, forever. What trolling?
11 years ago
No way there aren't niggrz in this clan since bf4 is cheaters paradies,
2 months ago • 0 Like
Accept me pls
8 months ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
6 months ago
Is hacker
5 months ago
Accept me homies :DDDDD
9 months ago • 0 Like
Good evening, the reason for my unexpected entrance into this platoon is a bit sad.

I was playing on a server when the player called "-xx-DROGON" started insulting his own team, calling us "niggers", to fuck off and many other things to do not want to write here.

I do not know in how far this platoon does represent a serious community but in our community we do not tolerate such behaviour.

I address this post to the founders and owners of this platoon ("KiLLaGrNs", "Nasty_Butler" , rising a complain about "-xx-DROGON".

best regards from germany.


10 years ago • 0 Like
can i join?
9 years ago • 0 Like
join ts to meet members ts.tacticsoverprinciples.com
8 years ago
Hey its Keira, lemme in!
10 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago
Interested in joining? Hop onto our Teamspeak 3 : ts.tacticsoverprinciples.com and we can get you setup to join the fun! <3 :)
8 years ago • 0 Like
I've applied because I dig your philosophy of teamwork etc. There's a friend of a friend that had me find this link, even though I believe I've been killed, maimed and brutally imprisoned in games by your platoon mates.
8 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
I really enjoyed shoving my cock down your throats tonight. Feel free to wipe the cum from your eyes and feed me more free wins.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Just wanted to inform you on the performance of one of your members. I encountered "xBL4D3R" earlier today and was greatly disappointed. He was one of the worst players I have encountered and I would like to recommend his immediate removal from such a prestigious platoon.
9 years ago • 2 likes
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I am so honored to have embarrassed you enough for you come and say hello! :)
look what we have here:
http://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=FoamyRogaine&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]
9 years ago
That rogaine went to your brain and drove you insane; and when I see a tool like you actin' a fool I break out a vid and show 'em how I did it: https://youtu.be/OPUIlB98ylE [youtu.be]
9 years ago
Damn what a massive page about your clan
9 years ago • 0 Like
Blader havent seen you and the other 3 guys in the infantry only server...you guys should come play it was fun
10 years ago • 1 Like
Join requirements?
10 years ago • 1 Like
join teamspeak, thats it
10 years ago
Add me cunts.
10 years ago • 0 Like
You had better unfuck yourself or I'll unscrew your head and shit down your neck.
10 years ago