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Welcome To CRUNK UNIT BOOTCAMP Must be an active player!!!...
Must have CRUNK UNIT BOOTCAMP SET as your active platoon

Hey All, Please post your info,,,, Main playing times, Style of play, Main load you use and Psn Ad

If you have any friends they are welcome to join as long as they are active

. CRUNK UNIT Alliance .

"Alpha one niner Alpha one niner The rubber ducky has dropped the hammer"

****99 members and growing**** just 1 more spot left until we open our elite division platoons
(We are one of biggest platoons on ps3 and now we are expanding to ps4 as well)

Come out and join Crunk Units Alliance Community, here at Crunk We are looking for active players that have strong team member skills, revives, med kit, repair and setting objectives. We pride ourselves in being 100% Ps3 and Ps4 Platform Platoons we don't mix groups. We are looking for all styles of game play run n gun, snipers,etc....so we can build a well rounded squad.

We also have a Promotion system in effect top players get promoted to CRUNK UNIT ELITE.

Willing to help newer player as long as you are an active player and put in game time

"If Your someone who empty's clips and keeps the barrel hot Crunk Unit Elite Wants you!!!!!!!"

The Elite Platoon Requirements
-25 Max member squads
-Level 80+ Only
-Must have Mic for elite
-Must be promoted from Bootcamp
-Must be Active
-Must be on ps3 Platform to join this elite group

Tag: GMob
Platoon Names:
Crunk Unit Bootcamp (PS3 ONLY)
Crunk Unit Elite (PS3 ONLY)
Crunk Unit Ghost Mob(PS4 ONLY)



To Apply GMob's CRUNK UNIT BOOTCAMP Please post here

Please list your:
Total hrs played

Due to high demand you must be an active player and set bootcamp as your active platoon
Will be fair and consider everyone who applys
10 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 35 comments Read more
Hours Played: 53Hours 24 minutes
8 years ago
Hours played:256.5 hours 4 minutes
7 years ago
Please post Platoon game offers and general info about the platoon in this section.If you are a member of GMOB post in the private chat thx All
10 years ago • 0 Like
United Games Marine Corps

Battle Us!
ugmarines.weebly.com/battle [ugmarines.weebly.com]
Join The Alliance!
ugmarines.weebly.com/allies [ugmarines.weebly.com]
10 years ago
Would love to battle you guys.

If you're available anytime in the next couple of days, let me know.

BoMb is ranked 25. We're a very large and active platoon.

Defuse, TDM, rush...something like that. We prefer CR maps, but no big deal. Also, I personally prefer hardcore.

Thanks in advance either way.
10 years ago
It would be a goo idea for a clan your size to create a website for your members. You can make forums and such. Make communicating, planning and sharing cool shit a lot easier. enjin.com has a pretty good web creator and its pretty simple. Share pics, videos bunch of options. My clan is much smaller but very active so I imagine we will be killin each other soon. If you guys are looking for some decent matches and/or some allies to fill out other squads with clan members who work well together instead of a bunch of randoms during games than friend me. My Surplus Marines are always looking for fight. We are PS3 only. My PSN name is b551981. "B"
10 years ago • 0 Like
ya sounds good thx for website......whats your main squads playing times we have a morning crew and evening crew?
11 years ago
i would like to join your platoon i am:
level 16
my kd; 0.42kd
score: 392698
time: 41hrs 28 min
spm: 157
I speak english and have a mic
10 years ago
Team oriented Medic looking for a top level platoon to play for my score per minute is division 1 and my skill goes up significantly the more I play. I am a revive and health giving centered medic, if you think I could help I look forward to hearing back at least for a try-out
10 years ago • 2 likes
did you need a spot ? you would have to set this platoon as active to join and must be active player we have group of players that sign on at certain time slots morning and night
10 years ago
hello can i join this clan?
10 years ago • 0 Like
sure as long as you have it as your main group
10 years ago
I play at night mostly on weekdays cuz i have a family. I use whatever class is needed to back up the squad. Mostly Support and Assault. i am mic'd up. I use Battlelog a lot. so you can hit me up on here. I am always down to squad up. Add me PSN.

" Lets go Mob some folks!!! "
10 years ago • 2 likes
Lets go GMOB ! Add me : hichem456
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey new member here Jimmy_96A1, Most played class is engineer but ill play what i have to to steal objectives, mostly like conquest. play mostly noon til midnight.
10 years ago • 1 Like
You guys down for 10 v 10 DOM game?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Do you guys wanna set up some 5vs5 defuse battles?
11 years ago • 0 Like
Would like to thank the members of CRUNK for yestrdays battles I had a great few hours of decent gaming :)
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hey GMOB im the DO for MYO on BF4 I would like to know if you guys would like to have a clan vs clan practice tonight at 9pmcst 5v5 defuse we wont keep score just for fun and practice let me know!
10 years ago • 0 Like
conquest 10 vs 10?
10 years ago
11 am est time
10 years ago
Hi sir! I`m active and a good follower with good skills and I want to have more reputation in this clan. I promise! Thank you for your concern. I already apply to this clan. thank you for your concern. If you accepted me.. Kick me if I`m not active. so you`ll sure that I`m serious.. I`m friendly :) Love this clan.. My IGN is Jcysuperstar2 I applied for this clan thanks!
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey this is a ps3 group but I can give you link for the pure ps4 group
10 years ago
Doubleorange, Helo Driver, Working together, Engineer or Assault (depends on game mode), AKU-12, or the AUG, favorite map is Flood Zone :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey this is MyNameIsRAIJEs brother looking to join this platoon. From my perspective this platoon was the best of all that ive seen
10 years ago • 2 likes
If your interested in a 5v5 defuse scrim add me ( ps3 )
10 years ago • 0 Like
which platoons your elite group and which is regular?
we can do 5v5 or 10 vs 10
11 years ago
psn: cmarlin
play style: recon mostly but whatever to get the job done
location: Colorado,USA
10 years ago • 1 Like
psn : yahiaelbob (when u add me write Crunk unit bootcamp in the friend request so i dont ignore u)
online time : anytime (right now i have exams but i am usually on all the time)
Style of play : Medic, support, sniper and sometimes run and gun ( depends on how my team needs me)
Loadout: depends on how my team need me too

i am from Canada and live there
10 years ago • 0 Like
PSN: heat_wraps
Online time: PST Mon - Fri - 6pm - 2am
Sat - Sun -8am -8pm
Style of play: Medic, run and gun, chopper fun.
Loadout: Sar-21, medkit, defibs. SKS for hardcore matches.

Originally from the UK but live in California now. I play frequently.
10 years ago • 0 Like