[DHO] DadsHideOut
Website: www.dadshideout.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
1094h 4m
Dads first. Everything else second.
Dad's hideout is the online man cave for dads. It's a site for anyone who is a dad, has concerns about being a dad, or anyone that has dad questions. We talk about anything here, from work, family, to gaming. Many of the members here have been together for quite a few years, and we value our members and their privacy. In saying that as a dad, and a guest, you may not see many forums that deal with the roles of being a dad.
Dad's hideout is the online man cave for dads. It's a site for anyone who is a dad, has concerns about being a dad, or anyone that has dad questions. We talk about anything here, from work, family, to gaming. Many of the members here have been together for quite a few years, and we value our members and their privacy. In saying that as a dad, and a guest, you may not see many forums that deal with the roles of being a dad.
oh and im a dad of a 20yr old