[DOB] Dirty Old Bastards

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Website: www.dirtyoldbastards.net • Created: 2014-02-27

13,092,597 / 3,306,000

3598h 58m
The Dirty Old Bastards are a community of 18+ gamers playing FPS games on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. We offer a complete gaming community for both competitive and casual gamers with a member driven approach to improvement.


Hooah Bastards!
SSKM wants to know if we can get back into the groove of our Monthly scrim schedule? I'm thinking Sat Apr 11th (Skipping Easter Weekend where many are likely busy) @ 1PM EST to accommodate your time zone. We will host on one of our servers, and will set a password to be confirmed later.

If the bastards accept, shoot me a line on XBL to confirm details.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey man probably not going to happen, Most the guys you were runnin scrims with have parted ways from DOB, they have formed an independent group Battlefield Ops Battalion . Best of luck, thanks
9 years ago
can I please join?
9 years ago
What do I do if I filled an application out and was accepted on enjin (dob.net). How do I get accepted on here?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Can i enter the clan?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Go to www.dirtyoldbastards.net and fill an application out mate
10 years ago
We would like to invite you to participate in a Hardcore T5 Domination Tournament.
Here is the link to sign up your Team:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/4414036315981079646/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
hmu if u want to vs us
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi. I just applied to platoon. Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Goto www.dirtyoldbastards.net and fill an application out mate
10 years ago
are you guys still on 360
10 years ago • 0 Like
No, not really... Sorry!
10 years ago
Hooah Bastards! I've got us qued up for our monthly scrim next Sat Feb 7th. Happy to host on our server. Come one come all. Shoot me a message on XBL to confirm and we can chat more.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Sounds good, we'll be there!:)
10 years ago
10 years ago
We are unhappy with what happened in, and after, the DOB/7ds scrimmage.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly from our point of view for the first game. Then, in the second round, a mistake was made when editing the server... Obviously nobody wants 400 percent ticket Shanghai, but once it started it seemed everyone on both sides was game as everyone kept playing.

We then found out our player who was in the commander role was getting rude and abusive messages from a number of 7ds members. We do traditionally like using a commander in scrims, as not only does it help coordinate but it is also a very cool feature, unique to Battlefield. Rather than contact one of our staff, the angry messages came in. Then, after 7ds members suddenly quit the scrim (some making sure to kill and tea bag before they went, a gesture which was not returned as we were told by DOB leadership to NOT reply in kind) a member joined one of our parties. While 7ds maintains it was to "discuss", what may have started out as banter rapidly turned abusive on both sides. When one of our staff eventually manged to step in to try and defuse the situation and identified himself as an DOB NCO, he was insulted as well, questioning his ability to be an NCO, which was a bit much as he has 25 years service with RAF, 15 as a SNCO. At this point the 7DS member was removed from the party.

Unfortunately things further went wrong when both of our Platoon pages were commented on in poor fashion, full of profanity and slurs, and likely not in a way that is representative of the majority of both Clan's members.

To be perfectly clear: at no point were we trying to "cheat"... We are fine with losing video games. Much of our membership is older, and includes a lot of service members (current and retired) and dads, all of whom have more important things to do than cheat in a video game. We have always used a commander, never discussed prior to the scrim NOT having a commander, and certainly didn't try to get an upper hand by having two more players in a round... Just the result of a lot of guys wanting to play and imperfect comms. The issues should have been addressed by the staff representatives effectively and properly as they arose, not left to fester, and should certainly never have resulted in the terrible and immature behavior exhibited. That this incident has soured a relationship between our platoons is regrettable, and this entire thing reflects badly on both our Platoons.

That will be our final say on this issue.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I do agree with some points you have said but to be fair it is a bit one sided. I think you will find that we were told if you dont like it then F**k off when the question was asked what was going on. Would you be repaired to have a chat in a party one on one, with no abuse and talk about this and then bury it?... cheers
10 years ago
DOB, I want to thank you all for doing your best in today's match. Should you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks again!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Thanks, you guys did a great job
10 years ago
See you got a few guys playing tonight, you guys want a rematch next weekend???? We ve been let down by a few clans looking to scrim and I can see you got a few playing so what you think???
10 years ago • 0 Like
How all you bastards doing? Looking to join a platoon and start progressing in competitive games on battle field 4. If anyone would like to play my gamer tag is HxD Alexander.
Thanks and I've already applied.
10 years ago • 0 Like
updated the application
10 years ago
All X1 members, don't forget to check SSKM's server tonight for our weekly HUMP DAY SPECIAL! This week's special sees the return of favorites from BF3 as we tackle Second Assault Conquest Large! Would love to squad up with you guys again and fight side by side.

10 years ago • 3 likes
trying to set up some friendly scrims.. hit me up on xbox if interested!
10 years ago • 1 Like
hello everybody whats up guys my name is kaleb im 20 years old I have put in time on my gaming consoles both past and present my first gaming console was a Nintendo then a playstation 1 then 2 then my life changed when I met the amazing xbox and xbox360 and now I own a xbox one and absolutely love it I play mainly battlefield best damn game ever and all racing games and a few sport games I am a united states soldier and I have one year left till im out I am ready to be apart of the DOB and ready to show what im made of happy to be here and thanks for your time
10 years ago • 0 Like
oh my gamertag is xxDUNNAGExx so if you are trying to find me through friends on any of these websites or on the xbox one feel free to add me and we will chat it up tear it up and fuck shit up
10 years ago
Every one say hello to the newest DOBr DUNNAGE and give him a hi
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello DOB, would you guys be interested in a conquest small match?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Was wondering if you guys are still recruiting ?
10 years ago • 0 Like
I filled out an application on the website if you guys could add my gamer tag so I get to know you guys and start gaming with you guys that would be great !

Gamertag - uE OutLaw
10 years ago
Hooah DOB. Dont want to be responsible for spamming your dash, but as mentioned SSKM would like to extend a standing invitation to our weekly Hump-Day special on our server, where we will try various rarities of game modes and maps for BF 4. January's schedule is now up and posted on our site at http://www.saskmilitia.com/2014/12/sskm-hump-day-special-2/. [saskmilitia.com] I understand 7PM EST may be too late for some across the pond, but hopefully every once in a while we will be able to game together and try some different game modes.

10 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks again to the DOB for last Sunday's scrim. Each time we meet SSKM gets a little more organized. How about setting up a 10v10 (plus commander) on our server, locked this time. Sunday Jan 11th, same time, same place? If all goes well, any thoughts of simply locking in for a monthly scrim rotation or something of the likes?
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Im tired of being on the end of Elephantmans bullets lol
10 years ago
Lmao Yes he is a beast
10 years ago