[49er] 49 Topflight Qubermen

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Created: 2017-07-20

27,927 / 29,000

277h 48m
As a 49er, as one of the 49 Topflight Qubermen, you are the most selfless, motivated, dedicated, loyal, teamwork driven silent assassins of the Air, Land and Sea. You breath, sweat, bleed and SCREAM teamwork and you don't hesitate to sacrifice your life and seat to keep our ship afloat.
We fly through the air like a hot knife through butter. We zoom through the streets of Shanghai as if our heli is SUPPOSE to be there, and we use every single inch available to wiggle our way in to danger and get out of dodge unscathed. There's not one area of Shanghai that our heli, 49 Topflight Qubermen, can not go. Literally.
Rulesnever to change:
1) Our Platoon will only have the elite of the elite transport gunners/reps/pilot(?) our world currently has to offer. I'm talking people either myself or the other founders(BenZuni, g0c3rb) or leaders(names TBD) find true skill in, equal to ours or has serious potential.
2) Ultimate teamwork required. Reps when we see fit and most importantly, paying attention while gunnnig. Also, reps need to communicate w/ gunners/pilot for potential hazards or incoming heli's, tanks, rockets, ucav's, suav's, boat, etc... Communication overall is paramount unless heli team is pretty much reading each others minds =p.. Gunners need to not only focus where I'm flying, but in all directions possible to eliminate all potential threats at all times.
3) When gunning, please adjust accordingly to erratic flying behaviors and/or habits. Certain maneuvers are made to try and purposely avoid an incoming shot/tv/tow. That being said, do not constantly spray your weapon to potentially waste what could be actual registered shots, that can eventually get us killed due to weapon being on cool down. Try to predict my movements if I don't say what I'm doing.
4) Pilot makes overall decision on threat assessment. Heli's #1 priority unless noted otherwise. #2 AA threats, beacons
4) Teamwork, excellence, no quarter, perfection, annihilation..

Oh yeah...free weed, cookies and hookers on 49 Topflight Qubermen!!!!!


Presentation is dope
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