MOS's Offered
_11B: Infantry._
-This MOS class can range from, Assault (Medic) to Support (crew-serve gunner) weapons are your choice, being medic, we only require you carry defibs, and a med bag, and use a NATO weapon, ex: M16A4, M4, M9, P226, Glock18, AUG, FAMAS, etc. Support we only ask you carry a ammo pack, your other tools are up to you to carry, we require NATO weapons for all classes, in Supports case we require LMG's to be used, ex: M249, M240B, M60, AWS, etc.
_36B: Scout Sniper._
-This MOS falls into the Infantry company, and falls into an infantry team/squad but is its own classified skill set. We only require this class to use NATO weapons such as the P226, scout elite, M9, and so on.
_12B: Combat Engineer_
-This MOS can fall under either Infantry or Armored Companies depending on your preference. Armored being your either a TANK or APC driver/Gunner, or Aviation being a pilot or Door gunner. This MOS is also restricted to NATO weapons. The infantry side, your primarily Anti- Tank, Anti- personnel, running with Infantry Teams/Squads with boots on ground._11X_: Special Forces Candidate Raider_
-This MOS is reserved for truly the best of the best, you have to choose this MOS from the beginning and under go the "Pipeline" or basic training for this MOS in truly the hardest envirionment and requirments this MILSIM has to offer. Once completed this MOS is only restricted to either The Assault Class, or Support Class. Weapons and tools have no restrictions to NATO, it is strictly your preference with this MOS.
_36X_ Special Forces Candidate Reconissance_
Like 11X, THis MOS is reserved for the best of the best Snipers with no restriction to NATO weapons or equiptment, THe only restriction being the Recon Class.
_12X_ Special Forces Candidate_Explosives Expert_
Like 36X and 11X this MOS is reserved for the best of the best Engineers with no restrictions except for the Engineer Class.
8 years ago • 0