[42E1] 42nd MEU

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Website: official42ndmeu.weebly.com/ work in progress • Created: 2015-02-25

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1132h 13m
42nd meu recratin
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4 years ago • 0 Like
How yall been?
6 years ago • 0 Like
Its warlord
6 years ago
Can i get added, i'm a cpl in the 42nd
7 years ago • 0 Like
Can I get accepted plz
8 years ago • 1 Like
swatzero is a retard!!
8 years ago
52 members
8 years ago • 0 Like
lol 7 guys frank
8 years ago • 0 Like
its regit here can i join the platoon?
8 years ago • 0 Like
sorry guys this is marines
8 years ago
We are around 45-50 Members. Don't let the Battle-log count fool you! We are completely active everyday! We have trainings, and events throughout the week!
Not to mention, you get to meet extraordinary folks here!
Get the know everyone, and play with us throughout all of XBOX, no matter what game.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Wats up its Col. Of (8th) 1st battalion 8th marines i would like to speak diplomatic terms when possible. Message DEVILDOGS 2828
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry for the late reply, gentlemen, we have been really busy for the past months. Is your unit still active?
9 years ago
5v5 Domination?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello I would like to join this group I think I can be very helpfully I APPLIED so hopefull I get in I'm ranked corpl
9 years ago • 0 Like
season 5 is here sign up before the deadline http://esport-battlefield.com/esb-league-s5-sign-up/ [esport-battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
The 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
10 years ago • 1 Like
USMC Knowledge
Birthday of the Marine Corps ------ 10 NOV 1775
Birthplace of the Marine Corps ------ Tunn Tavern Philadelphia, PA
First Commandant of the Marine Corps------Captain Samuel Nichols
Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps------Archibald Henderson
Meaning of the Blood Stripe------In memory of those who died at the battle of Chapultapec
Meaning of the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor----

1. Eagle-National Defense
2. Globe-Worldwide Service
3. Anchor-Maritime Tradition

Mascot of the Marine Corps------English Bulldog
Marine Corps Motto------Semper Fidelis
Meaning of Semper Fidelis------"Always Faithful"
Only two Marines to receive two Medals of Honor------Dan Daly and Smedley Butler
Only Marine to receive five Navy Crosses------Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
Origin of the nickname Devil Dog------Given by Germans in WWI
Origin of the nickname Leatherneck------ Came from when Marines wore high leather collars to defend against sword slashes.
Mission of the Marine Rifle Squad------ To locate, close with, and destroy the enemy, by fire and maneuver, or repel the enemy assault by fire and close combat.
Five Paragraph Order
Admin and logistics
Command and signal

Marine Corps Core Values
Honor - The qualities of maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability commit Marines to act responsibly; to be accountable for their actions; to fulfill their obligations; and to hold others accountable for their actions.
Courage - It is the inner strength that enables a Marine to do what is right; to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct; to lead by example; and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure.
Commitment - It inspires the unrelenting determination to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor.

Marine Corps Leadership Traits
Dependability - The certainty of proper performance of duty. Bearing - Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance and personal conduct at all times.
Courage - The mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a man to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness.
Decisiveness - Ability to make decisions promptly and to announce them in clear, forceful manner.
Endurance - The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress and hardship.
Enthusiasm - The display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty.
Initiative - Taking action in the absence of orders.
Integrity - Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles; includes the qualities of truthfulness and honesty.
Judgment - The ability to weigh facts and possible solutions on which to base sound decisions.
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
The 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
10 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
he 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
The 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
The 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
The 42nd MAGTF is a hardcore Milsim/Realism unit that is staged on BF4 (Obviously). If you don't know what a Milsim/Realism unit is, it is a military simulation, Milsim is short for MILitary SIMulation. That being said, we are not a clan, but a Unit. If someone is caught using the word "Clan" to describe us, they will theoretically get hit upside the head. A clan is what most people classify as a group of gamers who come together to play together really. A Unit is what a group of Soldiers, or Marines for this instance, is called IRL (In real life). Since we are a Military Simulation, we go by unit, not clan.
We are a Marine Based Unit, that being said, we go by Marine Standards, Ranks, Weapons, Attachments, Traditions, Culture, Trainings, etc. Anything a real Marine would do, we try to emulate to the beset of our capabilities without stepping over the boundires of a video game. Meaning, there is no essays that have to be written, no actual physical training, etc.
A Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF for short) is exactly what it sounds like. We have an Infantry Division, an Armored Division, an Air Division, and a sort of Spec Ops Style team within our ranks. But for security (And realism purposes), I will not go into any further detail.
If you, the reader, were to join our ranks, there are some steps to go through. The requirements for you to try to join us goes as followed -
- You must be at least 14 years of age
- Have a Microphone
- Have at least 3 map packs on BF4, one of them being Second Assault
There is room for exceptions in there, but not a lot. If you don't meet one of these requirements, but are still really interested in joining, we may be able to make an exception for you as long as you talk it out with us.
With all that being said, we move on to how we operate. If you were to join, you would immediatley go through what is called a POOLE Session. A POOLE session to basically to make sure you are worth our time, and not a useless piece of S%$t. It will most likley be the stupidest, most annoying, aggrivating, frustrating point in your milsim career. It is designed to make you think that it is pointless and stupid, and to make you quit. We do that so we can weed out the people who actually want to be apart of us from the people who are just there to find some friends. If you're only joining for some play mates, go join a clan, not a unit. After POOLE, Boot Camp immediately begins. In boot camp, you learn all the basic principals and fundamentals you need to know to operate with us. Some examples include how to talk to an Officer, some basic formations, Range Testing, and more and more. If and when you pass BC, you are officially accepted into our unit. You pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and you come back on here and apply to battlelog, where you will be accepted and will wear our tags/emblem. Sometime after BC, you will go through SOI using your MOS, then MOS training. Questions?
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago