[JAH] JAH-Warriors

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Website: www.jah-warriors.com • Created: 2014-02-27

13,257,997 / 3,306,000

7301h 16m
Our BF4 Servers:
Warriors #01 - Metro Only - No Rules - 64 Slots -> http://goo.gl/rDL1ff [goo.gl] <-
Warriors #02 - Rush - Infantry Only - 10 Slots -> https://goo.gl/Wxo2Qg [goo.gl] <-
Our BF3 Servers:
Warriors #01 - Metro Only - No Rules - 64 Slots -> https://bit.ly/2xN2ZDu [bit.ly] <-
Warriors #02 - Metro Only - No Explosives - 64 Slots -> http://goo.gl/So0mZ1 [goo.gl] <-
Warriors #03 - Rush Classics Only - Votemap - 64 Slots -> https://goo.gl/sSamgR [goo.gl] <-
Warriors #04 - Firestorm Only - 48 Slots -> http://goo.gl/CxasC3 [goo.gl] <-
Warriors #05 - Ziba Tower Only - Gunmaster - 32 Slots -> http://goo.gl/5VeKdU [goo.gl] <-
Warriors #06 - Noshahr Canals Only - TDM - 16 Slots -> https://goo.gl/Rv54bo [goo.gl] <-

You have a question about a Kick/Ban or want to report a player? Please use this Link : http://jah-warriors.com/contact-support/ [jah-warriors.com]

You want to help us to keep our servers running? So please donate here: http://bit.ly/JAHdollarnow [bit.ly]

You are interested in buying a VIP-Slot on one of our servers? Look here: http://jah-warriors.eu [jah-warriors.eu]

You want to join our fanplatoon JAHF? Then have a look here:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/platoons/view/7975573081266023408/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

You want to join our clan? https://jah-warriors.com/join-us/ [jah-warriors.com]

Discord: https://discord.jah-warriors.com [discord.jah-warriors.com]
TS3: ts.jah-warriors.com
Homepage: https://jah-warriors.com [jah-warriors.com]


You are interested in buying a VIP-Slot on one of our servers? Visit http://jah-warriors.eu/ [jah-warriors.eu]
8 years ago • 5 likes
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hello evryone admin Hurzius is abusing his/her admin rights more then once , i was playing shotgun and someone said "Fear can you stop it" so i said " i'm listening to music i got excited i usually play like a noob sry"
so he/she kicked for "silly" wth is that?! , and when i rejoined i asked what rule did i break so he/she didnt reply and kicked me again for "silly" , he/she hates me every time he/she the only admin currently online on the server either kick me while playing suav/ucav or move me to the other team after i push with the winning team and when i rejoin to ask what rule did i break for the kick she he/she replies nothing and i have all this recorded if you want a proof please talk to her/him or remove his/her admin rights thanks
6 years ago • 0 Like
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Ok you became a Second Chance but no Discussion
6 years ago
But dont play the Sherif on our Server to reporting them
6 years ago
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Who banned me? Unbind pls.
4 years ago • 0 Like
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guess whos back
4 years ago • 0 Like
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why am I banned ? suspected cheat? where is the proof ? omg kids
4 years ago • 0 Like
Wow. It took you 2 years to realize you are banned and to send this message?
4 years ago
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Question Can I use a platoon?
4 years ago • 0 Like
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on jah?
4 years ago • 0 Like
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Ninja swaps side all the time.. just to be on the winning side
6 years ago • 0 Like
every round if he is on US and its going nowhere he will swap. and vice versa if on the Russian side and they are pushed back.
6 years ago
thx .. will talk to him. have fun
6 years ago
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I sent report on Painkiller75_PL because he kicked me from server instead of kicking the player who offended on chat during game other players parents. This JAH administrator is unfair and must be not admin or in youjr servers is allowed to offend other players parents!!!!!
6 years ago • 0 Like
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OK. Make some coffee and get some cookies. Could take a while until they answer. And if the time will come one day that you get a respond we are happy if they contact us and we can send them your chat- logs. Have a great evening.
6 years ago
For your information: i checked the logs so i can´t say it was unfair to kick you for your language. But you are right also the other guys behaviour was bad. He gets a 3 day temp ban.
6 years ago
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why you kick me and ban my m8???

we have no same names, watch please...


6 years ago • 2 likes
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Damit du siehst das ich keinen Quatsch erzähle -> https://i.imgur.com/WmpeoIg.jpg [i.imgur.com]
6 years ago
https://imgur.com/j9MSLBA [imgur.com] HA HA ! gOTCHA! You IDIOTS!! :) *-_-*
6 years ago
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Its sad that you now have a admin that uses admin abuses as soon the game doesent goes his way. JON you really are the first admin that act like a real bad person. and u do it in the name of JAH. Getting kicked for being an idiot is harasemnt enough. I hope u grow up and treat the gamers on the server more repectfull. I have been admin for 4 years myself, both on BF3 and Bf4. But i have never acting disrespectful.
6 years ago • 1 Like
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Jon T-Bags everyone.. Even himself.. From the time he joins to the time he leave he is bobbing round like a chicken pecking for worms. Just look here and you'll see. And this is the third video i did and they are all of him tbagging some or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdeV9Y5DN2Y&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
6 years ago
someone or something ^
6 years ago
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Painkiller75_PL Could you explain why you perm kicked me? Yes I see wallhack but I can assure you I am not using any cheats and idk where from you took that. If it's about because I was killing you every time in that round then you must learn to play better, I always pre-fire enemy.
Now I know there are many other Pazuzu's but I ain't them.
So take your mind together show me the proof I use cheats on image or video and I shut up!
Beside why would I risk my account getting banned while being friends with DICE and EA people? Explain me that please.
I can go 1 vs 1 with you and I can show you, I will kill you every time, so why the fk I need cheats for? I was starting to like you but seems you turn everything around.
Even if you won't unban me there are plenty of servers to play.
I understand if you feel weak and it's ok, I was admin myself for 7 years so I know what power admin tool you have in hands, I hope you enjoying it.
6 years ago • 1 Like
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i did one of Hurzius as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPkJ1DLw74M [youtube.com]
6 years ago
re do this with "rave in the grave" arun chupa mate can can is shit!
6 years ago
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kicking without reason thx , really nice
6 years ago • 2 likes
yes, really nice for the vip´s :D If there is no message to see it was a simple kick cause a vip joined - it is random. this time the system kicks you and maybe next time someone else.
6 years ago
Buy a VIP slot! No kick or swap and instant joining on full server! :) dance baby
6 years ago
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painkiller75_PL why did I get perm from you for a normal game? I played according to rules.
6 years ago • 3 likes
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nice try :D but it is yours... accounts are linked -> https://i.imgur.com/D0mg4SY.jpg?1 [i.imgur.com]
6 years ago
Cheats however clever you think you are... dont care how much you spend on your cheats... when we catch you! and we WILL you are BANNED!! bye love :)
6 years ago
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banned for suspected cheat? really? this is not a proof
omg u are so noob. Hurziu
6 years ago • 2 likes
pump shoot and cheat on another server love :)
6 years ago
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painkıller,how old are u idiot! 0-5 age which one?claymores kill and kıcked server whats your problem me MORON?it was second! please do your job properly why are u afraid? !!P.TUTKA!!
6 years ago • 3 likes
clarified... ban is lifted since a few days. Sorry, i didn't read this message before... Have fun
6 years ago
thank u brot...
6 years ago
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Dance and have fun to this...……..see you in game :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYW5PHqBwgM [youtube.com]
6 years ago • 1 Like
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A piece of SHIT is what your Metro server has become. Especially with that retarded noob Hurzius, an admin, that has 400 plus service stars on XM25??? Didnt we have enough with tbaggin admin retard, Jon?
You guys need a severe clean up on your retard ranks. My platoon is out of Jah until then.

Have fun, or not.
6 years ago • 3 likes
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btw. we did a clean up and you are not out only "until then" ....
6 years ago
lol! what an angry little man.
6 years ago
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Grüße! Hoffe es geht Euch allen gut! :)
7 years ago • 1 Like
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loool realy !? why did they give me a ban on your server? Unreasonable groundless !
7 years ago • 2 likes
many complaints from lots players. impossible shots etc. I banned you all 64 players happy. please learn to play without aimbot./cheats JAH is FAIR and FUN have a nice evening :)
7 years ago
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