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Created: 2014-02-27

43,061 / 176,000

958h 55m
"Get REAL or Get OUT!"

It's about to get REAL. REAL is a teamwork based platoon that plays to help whatever team we happen to be on WIN and make the enemy team WORK. We utilize teamwork and coordination along with knowledge and expertise about the game, its mechanics and map design to secure wins and derail enemy strategies. When REAL shows up it's time for the enemy to Get REAL or Get OUT because it will NOT be an easy win. REAL will not always win because we are a Skill Multiplying Team, in other words if your team has 0 Skill already, REAL cannot help you (0 * 1000 is still 0). That said, we don't go out without a fight and will make the enemy work for that win, even if it's inevitable.

Think you have what it takes? See below to learn how you can start getting REAL instead of getting OUT and join us!

Battlefield Schedule:
You can most likely find REAL playing Conquest Large at the following times:

Sun: 8:00pm CST
Mon: 8:00pm CST
Tues: 8:00pm CST
Wed: 8:00pm CST
Thurs: Break
Fri: 8:00pm CST (Sometimes, varies)
Sat: Break

How to get REAL instead of get OUT
Joining REAL is a bit different from other Platoons. While other Platoons desire killers with high K/D's or crazy run and gun skills REAL does not. The skills of our members vary drastically as many of our members are still in the learning process themselves, so REAL does not look down on low K/D's, everyone has to start somewhere.

What REAL does look for are members who want to win, use and enjoy teamwork and coordination, knows the kits (or their preferred kit very well) and how to utilize it best, competent vehicle drivers/pilots, objective seekers and players who know how to obey orders when it's critical to success.

We do have a few rules and requirements for joining that are detailed below, if you meet these requirements go ahead and apply and friend/message KoldBlood01 with your Username and why you desire to join REAL.

Rules and Requirements
Objective Play:
We play to win. If victory is out of reach, we do everything in our power to make the win difficult for the enemy to acquire and lighten the blow of our loss. There are no exceptions here.

Required. No exceptions. We've no need for lonewolves. We need people who are available and close if called for.

Age Requirement:
You must be 18+.

Experience in Conquest, Rush, and/or Carrier Assault:
If you specialize in TDM, DOM, or some other mode you need not apply, REAL specializes in Conquest, Rush, and Carrier Assault only.

No Trolling:
We need you focused on following orders and trying to win the match, not running over teammates or your epic sniper shot from 800 meters out.

No killing REAL Members during Matches (or any team members for that matter):
Purposely killing any REAL Member during a match is STRICTLY forbidden as it causes confusion and can ruin strategies creating an opening for the enemy team to win. Killing REAL Members can result in you being kicked from the team.

No Destroying/Wasting Team Assets:
Do not purposely destroy or waste any team vehicles or assets unless you think it could fall into enemy hands.

Recon Players:
Sniping is fine but if you're going to do it, do it near our squad so you can actually help. We prefer that you use a DMR with a 4x so you can run with the team and provide quick, accurate, mid range cover-fire. If you're a Sniper who wants to sit way in the back making long shots, don't apply.

Support Players:
Carry the Ammo Box or don't play Support.

Assault Players:
Carry the Medkit and/or Defibs or don't play Assault.

Helicopter Pilots:
If you want to fly, do so around the REAL Members' AO providing Close Air Support (CAS). Breaking off to deal with enemy air threats or other major ground treats (i.e. tanks, a large infantry force, etc.) is permitted and encouraged.

Jet Pilots:
If you want to fly, play your jet role. I.E Stealth Jet pilots please keep the enemy's Air Force in check. Attack Jet pilots please wreck the enemy's Armored Forces.

Listen to your Squad Leaders:
Regular squad members need to listen to their Squad Leaders. Stick close to your squad, provide support (in anyway you are able) and work from objective to ojective. If you are breaking off from the squad let your Squad Leader know, he may need you there instead of breaking off.

Call Outs:
All members are required to learn to use call outs well and effectively so that your Squad Leader and fellow members are constantly updated with the situation around them. Call outs are a cornerstone of efficient teamwork so we need to all work on them.

Currently Looking For
Ground Infantry:
REAL is always in need of skilled and teamwork minded individuals to increase our Squads' power on the ground.

Transport Helicopter Pilot:
We need a full/mostly full time Transport Helicopter Pilot to transport us from objective to objective and pick us up afterwards.


REAL Wall of Haters:
TheReem25 - Enlisted: 08/30/2015
WatchMeSpankYou - Enlisted: 12/13/2015
itZAsmith21 - Enlisted: 10/14/2019
5 years ago • 0 Like
Annnnnnnnnd We're Back!
4 years ago • 0 Like
Big round of applause for itZAsmith21 who has just signed on as our THIRD hater on the REAL Wall of Haters!

Welcome to the team buddy! ;)
5 years ago • 0 Like
REAL will be returning to the battlefield for field training exercises until 00:00 on 10/25/2019 at which point REAL will be moving on to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare until such a time as DICE remembers how to make a good Battlefield game again.

See you on the Battlefield soldiers! Get REAL or Get OUT!
5 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome back Co-Founder TheMrShaw after a 2 year hiatus! Good to have you back on the team!
6 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to REAL J-Wall80!
6 years ago • 0 Like
Looks like REAL still has what it takes to drop the hammer on enemy teams looking for an easy win!

Get REAL or Get OUT!
8 years ago • 0 Like
REAL will return to the Battlefield one day... But not for Battlefield 1.

Enemy teams should consider themselves lucky... This time.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to REAL Rayvon99!
9 years ago • 0 Like
REAL Wall of Haters:
TheReem25 - Enlisted: 08/30/2015
WatchMeSpankYou - Enlisted: 12/13/2015
9 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to REAL Powderfest087!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sup fullahs dont know what Region your from but I saw a couple of you guys in a Aussie Locker server and was wondering if you guys would be keen on a 5 vs 5 domination scrim against CSK ( Curb Stomping Kiwis ) The only catch is that cant play outside of our region ( Due to terrible internet New Zealand has ) But if you guys are interested let me know .. Cheers !!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry forgot to add ... Message me on Xbox Live if your keen ( GT - Anonymouz Hackz )
9 years ago
Last night was a good reminder that it doesn't matter how good REAL is if our team is utter crap we can't do anything to help them. As I said at the beginning of this platoon; we are a skill multiplying team but if you have 0 skill REAL can't help you.

0 * 1000 = 0 It's simple math.

Anyway, great job last night. We tried our best and did our jobs, our team just didn't take advantage of it.

Get REAL or Get OUT!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Heads up; REAL just hit 1000 Skill guys! Excellent work from everyone who stayed loyal to the platoon to this point, we've finally made our Skill match our platoon's effectiveness!

Finally, a big thanks to the most dedicated REAL Members who fought, capped, revived, destroyed, repaired and died to make this achievement possible!

Without your dedication and determination to stick to our motto and use tight teamwork to overcome overwhelming odds we would not have achieved this goal!

You six soldiers stand out from the rest for your unique skills and steadfast determination and have now truly earned you REAL Clan tags!

Get REAL or Get OUT!!
9 years ago • 1 Like
Suck it, Potter!
9 years ago
Gotta show up to go up.
9 years ago
REAL Wall of Haters:
TheReem25 - Enlisted: 08/30/2015
9 years ago • 0 Like
Great job last night guys, I feel I should go over what transpired during the final match as some members seemed disheartened by the way the whole thing played out.

In the end, we stuck it out to the end and put up a good fight against trash players like the platoon WTF which means we did our jobs for our team. We stuck to our guns, played to win, stood in their way the entire time (even though losing was unavoidable) and never sunk to their level of game play. We fought fair and square to the end and that's what separates REAL from other punk platoons like them.

That said, we will NOT be playing against this particular platoon again. REAL doesn't mind a good fight and we welcome a challenge but exploiting bugs/broken weaponry or outright cheating to secure a victory from us is heavily frowned on.

Bottom Line: REAL doesn't play with cheaters/exploiters. WTF needs to learn to Get REAL or Get OUT!

That's all gentlemen. GRo-F-N-GO!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Excellent job on those matches last night guys! REAL is currently at 985 Skill, let's finish her off!

Recognized Members:

Excellent teamwork and coordination guys!

Get REAL or Get OUT!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to REAL Duganrear19!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to REAL Mr Asbill!
9 years ago • 1 Like
FEAR got rekt... Then left their own server.

I know we say: "Get REAL or Get OUT" but these guys actually DID get OUT. =\
9 years ago • 0 Like