[T1] Tier1 Tactical

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Website: www.t1tactical.com • Created: 2014-03-01

9,933 / 10,000

8h 50m
Tier1 Tactical is actively recruiting fun & down to earth gamers

Hello ladies and gentlemen gamers - I just want to take a few minutes and tell you a little about us. We have 9 members and all of us are experienced gamer. We all have many years of playing many different types of games. We mostly play Call of Duty games Black Ops and MW3 but we do play Battlefield 3. We are all excited about the release of Black Ops 2 and really hope they will provide us dedicated servers. Tier1 Tactical was founded back in Nov 2010 to create a fun and exciting gaming experience. We are down to earth kind of people and welcome anyone and everyone that is over the age of 18 to come hang out with us. We have a full functional website and a teamspeak server that has plenty of room for our members and friends. They are a few requirements that you can read further on our recruitment page. Fill free to sign up on our site and get to know us.
We are currently recruiting mature gamers even if your not the best or play full time. We understand there is life outside of online gaming.


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