[9mm] A Different Caliber

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Created: 2014-02-27

92,410 / 121,000

627h 26m
We are a close knit gaming "family". We are serious yet have fun at the same time. Winning isn't everything to us.


Are you guys interested in a Schrimage tonight. We only play Hardcore and 16 v 16 or up. If your Clan is interested send me a PSN Friend Request. So we can talk more details.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey there guys, TE5 and Hubtag are hosting a PS4 32v32 Epic Clash Event that takes place on November 1st we are looking for battlefield players that would like to participate. All the information and signups are here http://hubtag.net/ps4-conquest/ [hubtag.net] Thank you
10 years ago • 0 Like
Do you guys play Hardcore if so wanna join a tournament?
10 years ago • 0 Like
We are organizing an international tournament for High Leveled Clans. Each Clan can register a maximum of 3 Teams of 7 Players (5+2). Teams have to join by the 15/09/14 sending an email to:antonino.bazzone@gmail.com who will send you the registration form. The tournament will start arround the 21/09/14, the 20/09/14 at 8:00 p.m. GMT+1 we will drawn the teams in to the groups for the qualification rounds.The tournament will be sponsorized by Plantronics Gaming.The awards will be announced at the reaching of the provided teams (64). Please visit the following link: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/platoons/view/8087567369236002237/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] and join the Platoon. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1119x699q90/661/JKaEIS.pcng [imagizer.imageshack.us]
10 years ago • 0 Like
I've promoted SpoonCvc and Hanzo to leaders, should've been done a while ago, but well deserved, they've been with the platoon for a while and always play with platoon members.

Congrats guys.
10 years ago • 1 Like
10 years ago
you guys looking for a scrim?(conquest)
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey I applied
10 years ago • 1 Like
Good luck with these guys blade
10 years ago
i would like an invite. as i feel this is a great clan and i can exceed expectations
10 years ago • 0 Like
I have accepted you.

However, i see you are part of another platoon/clan. We do not really support multi-clanning, we like to have dedicated players to our clan, so if thats not for you just let us know, no hard feelings, but otherwise, if you decide to stick with us, welcome to the platoon, you can add me and all the other leaders, as well as our other players as you meet them in game.
10 years ago

HAVE A look at my stats
Im on PS4
USA, Central time
Play bf4 5-10 hours a day
Level 110
I prefer Conquest LARGE
Im the type of player who can get 41-12 in a Conquest Large while playing the objective the WHOLE GAME.
Im #1 on the leader board 90% of the time(In-game leader board
I can also play competitively

10 years ago • 0 Like
Any chance i can get back in with you guys im on ps3
10 years ago • 0 Like
Are you planning to get a PS4?
10 years ago
Do not request to be in the platoon if you are going to leave. We are not looking for players to bounce platoon to platoon. Thank you!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Just want to apologize, i am retarded, and my Mic has been on mute for the past couple of weeks without me realizing it.....So i wasn't intentionally ignoring you guys lol
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey all, used to game on xbox360 just got PS4 stats are pretty decent but not worried bout K/D would rather win and be on the flag defending or attacking, play all roles but not recon...No mic at present but setting up my Turtle beaches soon. Mature player originally from UK but live in Maine.
10 years ago • 1 Like
10 years ago
10 years ago
Well we just hit 50 members. (51 now)

Good to see new people joining, remember to add everyone as you get the chance.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Alittle Clarification on Rental Servers:

As they are right now to keep it populated, the server settings cannot be altered much, if the server is not "Official" status then people can't quick-match into it.

This means that custom map rotations and high ticket counts will most likely empty the server, i've tried it a few times and after a game the server usually empties out and doesn't fill back up.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys,

Is anyone currently using our website? doesn't seem like we have alot of activity there, if you guys aren't gonna use it or don't really plan to just let me know, i will probably just take it down if a large majority of us aren't going to use it.

10 years ago • 0 Like
Any one still on ps3
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey Guys,

I was thinking about having a back to BF3 night one of these nights, even tonight if enough people are on, but i'd like to see how many people still have their PS3 and a copy of the game, i'd imagine some of our newer members may have come from xbox, so let me know here if this would be doable
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey guys i applied cause my i just switched to PS4 but my XB1 Stats are exactly what you guys need. im a monster medic and can tank pretty good as well.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey man,

I tried accepting you but it says you are in another platoon, it won't let us accept you until you leave that platoon.
10 years ago
Hi sir! I`m active and a good follower with good skills and I want to have more reputation in this clan. I promise! Thank you for your concern. I already apply to this clan. thank you for your concern. If you accepted me.. Kick me if I`m not active. so you`ll sure that I`m serious.. I`m friendly :) Love this clan.. My IGN is Jcysuperstar2 I applied for this clan thanks!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome in the platoon! See you soon on the battlefield!
10 years ago