[DFC] DutchFightClub

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Website: www.dutchfightclub.nl • Created: 2014-02-27

4,063,793 / 3,306,000

1630h 56m


Its great to be back on some online games. sorry my steam account got hacked, but I have got it back now. I will be on here when I can & a few other older games too through steam. cheers Kenny
9 years ago • 0 Like
screamingeagles ; Kaaskop Idioten Platoon
9 years ago • 0 Like
After an average round of BF 4 on the DFC Server (Nice Server btw), two of my friends and I were banned from the server for "Hacking/Cheating" just because we won the round. The other team consisted mostly of DFC members so I presume you're abusing your power as admins here. Not that you can't do that, it's your server after all, I just wanted to point out that this is immoral and childish. My friends and I were obviously not cheating, we had average K/Ds like 39/15, 20/11 and 34/10. If we were cheating, you would'nt have banned us at the end of the round, like a crying child, taking his ball and going home, you would have found that out sooner. So in conclusion: Don't take out your incompetence on other players. This is not something mature gamers would do.
9 years ago • 2 likes
(This is a reply to a topic in the DFC Forum, I had some technical issues posting it there)
first of all,thanks for responding!
About CSM (Cry Some More):
We're a very small clan, more a group of friends really.
We've never really tried playing Battlefield as a tournament game, because they use such boring settings for those matches. (Domination -> Not my kind of Battlefield^^)
I certainly don't want to sound to braggy, but I think I can safely say, that we are all very capable players, all things considered. We've played Battlefield since 1942 (Well, not literally),
our playtimes range from 400 to almost a thousand hours, our KDs are upwards from 1.37 and our SPMs range from ~ 600 to ~900.

So you can see, those are some decent stats, but definitely not exaggerated or even ridiculous like those of a cheater :).
And yes, we do use Teamspeak to coordinate on the battlefield. There isn't much room for smalltalk once the game has started, because we relay a lot of tactical information to each other.
That might just be thing that gives us an edge over less coordinated players.

Let me just say that we really enjoy playing on your server, as there are few with such flawless settings.
Santa the Grey
9 years ago
mad-Dr-room als zij niet netjes om zo te spelen juty en dan nog bannen ook terwijl jij in zijn recht staat ik zeg je bent een eikelje
9 years ago • 1 Like
ach ja djangel het kindje word vanzelf groot ......iig dat hoop ik voor hem wahhaha
9 years ago
ow er ziten wat spel fouten in hahahahahahaa
9 years ago
Noob server; ban when you kill an admin...learn playing
10 years ago • 1 Like
STUPID NOOB ADMIN, you re banned by cheat detector
http://metabans.com/assessment?i=3mxu [metabans.com]
10 years ago
Yep and when you say something wrong on that server then they bann you as well ....childish
9 years ago
admins vals te spelen op je eigen server , echt slecht
10 years ago • 1 Like
idd kerel is vrij normaal lijkt het wel hiero........its a shame :(
9 years ago
heey josty grote vent van me
waarom ban je mij droplul......
je bent een grote kerel om op knopjes te drukken en zo iemands speelplezier te ontnemen terwijl ik in me volste recht sta .......iemand express teamkillen komt somige spelers de strot uit en dan worden er wel eens dingen getypt die misschien wel niet moeten maar jah wat doe je dr aan? o ja dan bann je zo iemand gewoon van je server .....nou gefeliciteerd grote man tot dan maar nooit weer he
9 years ago • 0 Like
Ziemlich übel was Undertaker da auf eurem Server veranstaltet. Um zu gewinnen, nehme ich an, hat er mehrere Male Spieler im Kampf per Adminbefehl gekillt. Das ist schwach Leute und als ich ihn angechattet habe hat er mich ganz gekickt ! Aller unterste Schiene !
10 years ago • 4 likes
ich seh grad Justy & raffneck sind auch dabei - wer es war, keine Ahnung
10 years ago
http://clubkent.ru/ [clubkent.ru]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Prutsers ....
10 years ago • 0 Like