[DMCR] Damage Incorporated

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Created: 2015-03-29

18,573 / 205,000

1293h 13m
Damage incorporated is a multicultural clan willing to accept experienced players from Australia or New Zealand! All though skill isn't an issue for joining, experience in the game is preferred. We're willing to accept and help you improve but we must see the improvement over time. Everyone is treated as an equal in DMCR. With that said there some rules the leaders have put into place to ensure every member is treated fair and not pressured!

Rules: Racism or sexism remarks will not be tolerated (Unless It's between friends who are ok with such jokes). The platoon is mainly based on Battlefield on PlayStation 4 but we wont force you to play the game, you may play other games willingly. Just make sure you rock the DMCR tags when playing with us (In Battlefield 1 platoons haven't introduced yet)! You may use a custom emblem if you desire or you can just use our clan one. You may be picked to do a Clan battle if you show enough skill and potential. You may have another Clan as your secondary and you may choose to leave at any time, just inform a Leader first.

Finally, Chain of Command: Although everyone is an equal in DMCR, there are leaders to make decisions together for the platoon and it's members, whether it be clan battles, rules, future planning and recruitment. On some occasions the leaders will come to members and get a whole platoon decision or opinion! A member might be chosen to become a leader is shown certain aspects, some include; time in platoon, knowledge of current members, open minded but overall capable of proving leadership in a squad!

> > > If you are wanting to Join up contact Dragometeorbomb over PSN, you may be asked a couple questions before joining < < <

Thank you and have a good day!


Thanks for allowing me to join DMCR guys. You can be sure I'll be ptfo's at all times. Hooah\m/
9 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
9 years ago
Yep will do
8 years ago
Hey guys I would love to be in your platoon I am Australian
9 years ago • 1 Like
I saw you today. Your KD is low but we dont care, we'll help you improve! Welcome to Damage Incorporated
9 years ago
Hey guys I would love to be in your platoon I am Australian
9 years ago • 0 Like