[GuN] Give Up Now
Created: 2014-02-27
5,112,877 / 3,306,000
1635h 31m
Hi guys!
Are you interested in 5vs5 domination scrim?
Founders or leaders can add me to setup something!
Are you interested in 5vs5 domination scrim?
Founders or leaders can add me to setup something!
10 years ago • 0
Navy solo puse que se necesitaba un equipo mejor de desarrolladores lo que pasa que al no leerlo la gente se cree que insulto o algo o algo y eso de ofensivo no tiene nada...
10 years ago • 0
Notice to Platoon applicants: We do not have strict recruitment requirements but that is not to say that we just let everyone join right away. If interested in joining our clan please apply via the recruitment page and post a brief intro about yourself on the clan main page. Also view our member list and send friend invites on PS4 to any of the leaders or founders so that we can contact you to coordinate meeting up in game. Our trial period primarily focuses on getting a feel for each applicant to see if your play style and personality will work well or clash with the current membership.
10 years ago • 4
hey im objective sniper and try to lock down positions but i can also do my work in the front lines with the rest of them.
10 years ago • 0
My stats may not be the best, but I will make sure my squad is stocked with health and ammo.
10 years ago • 0
Thank you for your interest in our clan. We are a PS4 clan and I notice you are an xbox player. Do you plan on moving to ps4? Unfortunately we don't have any players on xbox. I am sorry for the late reply but I simply overlooked this thread and just noticed it had not been replied to yet.
10 years ago
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oa3PPfwzUaM/UxWrNF3sASI/AAAAAAAAAM4/TVNgoliWLyY/w523-h709-no/Real+Battlefield+4.jpg [lh3.googleusercontent.com]
10 years ago • 1
like this
Hey,Is your team still interested in the ''The Ultmate 32 Team Tournament''? Hosted by strategic Gaming HQ
11 years ago
swarrior2011 said you guys are ok. so I thought I would apply to join
10 years ago • 0
Okay mate no worries ill notify the clan leader if he hasn't seen and will be in touch buddy
10 years ago
Is anyone from the platoon on , would really like to play with a group
10 years ago • 0
Hey guys I wanna join I play all weekend so add me and it would be good if we could squad up every Friday Saturday and Sunday add me on psn now commandercoda is the name
10 years ago • 0