lmao what a muppet, no proof (video, screenshot whatsoever) , just accuses randomly due to the frustration about his own inability to play or understand the game in general. If that 67 in your name, stands for the year you were flushed into this world, then I can only feel sorry for your soon to be middle aged ass. Basically what your stating here is (keeping in mind that you are not an admin on the server we all played on ergo no access to screenshots or other sort of proof to back up your nice little fairy tail) that anyone being better then you is a hacker...judging from your profile though, your not as nearly as good as any one in the top divisions in skill, kd ratio, mins played and so on and so on. Dont get me wrong, according to your stats, you dont seem to be that bad either, just like everyone else, just middle class and thats maybe hard to swallow, but numbers dont lie....as soon as you have proof, we will be more then pleased to collaborate and not only throw him out but to go zanes place personally and chop him and his sorry excuse for a microwave that he calls pc up and post it on instagram. Till then, f u and have a nice day :D