[FSF] First Strike Force

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Website: www.f-s-f.org • Created: 2014-02-27

25,052 / 176,000

1432h 23m
Join our twisted gaming community. Visit us online at www.F-S-F.org [f-s-f.org]


For everyone looking for the dogtags here is a link to all known locations:
http://imgur.com/a/sX93D [imgur.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
FYI, Voldorac, just Fubared your Vote list Hammer on the Multiple Maps server, the one that took you over an hour to fix on the Multiple Conquest maps.
He was forcing maps for Domination for no reason when we were in the middle of a match and kept doing it over and over again, just either forcing the same map, to forcing Domination period. No reason at all NONE. Then he accuses us of hating Europeans as in being racist, which is a bunch of bull. Because of him Forcing maps that are 1) not on the list, 2) Maps that lag to hell and back and 3) ones which you didnt like either (domination), when you were trying to fix it... he forces them and refuses to look at the procon, or any chats period to know what the problem was. NO ONE ASKED FOR DOMINATION AT ALL.

This is bull Hammer... total bull.
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
btw, i got a friend that says the total opposite than your "accusal" and yew he was playing with "us" under that evening
10 years ago
BAHAHAHA...................oh behave
10 years ago
Are there any admins that are on, that can get onto the MIXED conquest map server? We are having base rapers, and such on there that can deal with this... I love to play on your server and such, but people can get out of their base without the ability to actually get out and play. Shooting our way out of our base is just not right period.
10 years ago • 1 Like
tk is a bitch
10 years ago • 1 Like