[FoW] Foundation of WaR

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Website: youtube.com/foundationofwar • Created: 2014-11-11

5,413,328 / 3,306,000

2221h 14m

FoW is a community driven platoon. Our goal is to squad up on a regular basis and just have fun.

If you're interested in applying all we ask is you read through the private wall messages and do what's asked.

Hit the apply button today, don't miss out in a single game.

Check out our community channel on YOUTUBE:
http://tinyurl.com/TFOWonYouTube [tinyurl.com]

The Foundation of WaR recruitment thread :
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494075258611/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Foundation of WaR is a platoon of friends, experienced with each other.

Our members are from all over the globe.

Applicants will be considered regardless of stats, (Players can learn new skills and develop).

We are a purely casual platoon. Two rules: NO BULLSHIT, NO DRAMA.
10 years ago • 4 likes
Hola me gustaría unirme
9 years ago
Hey everybody! Here at the FoW. We believe in 2 policies and only 2.

1. No Shit
2. No Drama

These policies have been made for a reason and are in place to keep this platoon a fun place to be with minimal hostility to people inside and out of the platoon. If you feel like you have any problems with someone from the platoon, please feel free to message me on the LINE app (add 'awestruck') or message me on here (less likely to answer as not often on here). Any problems that are sorted will be done fairly but firmly.
9 years ago • 2 likes
Psn robbot14 add me
9 years ago
Hello this post is here to clear a few things up and answer some FAQs.
Q: Do you want to have a scrim with us?
A: No we are a casual clan and don't take part in scrims due to the extra stress of coordinating the whole thing... sorry.

Q: Where is this clan based and when do you guys play?
A: We are from a variaty of countrys and play at all sorts of times personally I'm from the UK but only get on at around 4AM (student life) so might as well be american. more info on the private wall.

Q: can I join?
A: Yes just apply meet the criteria and as long as recruitment is open you'll be accepted

Q: What are these requirements?
A: Understand English , own BF4 on PS4 and apply with a link accounts cannot tell you how many times we've had people that don't own BF4 apply and try and join other members.

Q:What Platform are you guys on?
A: exclusively on PS4 no other platform at this time.

Q: Do you lot play other games?
A:yes many other games have a FOW presence such as GTA V

I hope this clears things up a little bit and if you're looking for a Clan you give us a try skill is not an issue :c)
10 years ago • 5 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
Applied to join your squad my GT is theSPARROWclan7 great pilot awesome engineer medic Good spotter division 1 marksman only had game since march 2015 but play every day 9pm - 12midnight and anytime the tv is free
9 years ago
Hoping you guys play hardcore, let me know :)
9 years ago
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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
I just got this game so I'm new to it so I just joined your platoon if you'll have a newb to it I have all the maps
8 years ago • 0 Like
Seid ihr immer noch actieve und sucht noch aktive Mitglieder?
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys... how´s everyone... FOW is still going strong! :-)
We need to arrange a 16v16 for old times sake :-)
8 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 7 comments Read more
Could organise one soon, don't know if we'd be able to get 16 though
8 years ago
If you could get 8-10 peeps maybe FF is willing to fill the remaining spots...
8 years ago
My name on PSN is linkalink if ya like to do some friendly battles please let me know. We are a friendly Clan that plays in some community and would enjoy some friendly battle to get ready on some ladder & tournament we are about to be apart of. We are on PlayStation 4 and can fill up the lobby or what best for ya.
8 years ago • 0 Like
BF4 fragmovie *AMAZING*

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WMv7GTjvGng [m.youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Everyone, id like to Join up , on quite a lot, dont get to serious about it all, seems your the platoon for me, Im English and live in Spain.
9 years ago • 0 Like
TAg is ReaperWebb
9 years ago
We would love to play you guys in a match within the next few weeks. Accept my friend request and we can chat!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry dude we're not competitive
9 years ago
willen jullie clanmacht
9 years ago • 0 Like
HEY GUYS Seen ya post im a 22 year old aussie looking for other aussies to play with cheers have applied
9 years ago • 0 Like
wow I saw princeiemo RPG-ing neebs' jet!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yeah hey guys sorry i have been away for a fkn long time, things just got a bit bad and had uni to add on top of that. So sorry if i have missed out on heaps of stuff and news but maybe soon i might just pick up the ol controller and give it another jam. Sorry and thank you for understanding (if you do haha) :P
9 years ago • 0 Like
So how do you apply ??? My psn is mr_unknown_94 I would love to join
9 years ago • 0 Like
I would like to join your platoon! I really like the fact that you don't "try hard". Looking forward to play with you. PSN : Majin_42
9 years ago • 0 Like
Applied. Looking forward to squad up with you guys :)
9 years ago • 0 Like