[PHI] Plot Hone Initiate

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Created: 2014-02-27

1,974 / 113,000

846h 4m
Welcome to Plot Hone Initiate (European Clan),

We are a play for fun clan, however, nevertheless keyn on success on the battlefield. There is no I in team and we represent this philosophy on the field. Teamplay is what we play for! if you want to be part of this team, make sure to have a mike and are ready for some epic moments. Applications will be reviewed.

Willkommen bei Plot Hone Initiate,

Wie es der Name verrät, agieren wir nicht ohne Überlegung. Wir planen (plot), spitzen uns auf eine Situation zu (hone) und führen unsere Aktion dementsprechend aus (initiate). Obwohl wir ein fun-Clan sind, spielen wir, um erfolgreich am Schlachtfeld zu sein. Teamplay ist die Voraussetzung hierfür! Wer sich bereit fühlt, sich diesem Clan anzuschließen und epische Momente am Schlachtfeld zu erleben, kann sich gerne bewerben.



Hey guys, we were wondering if you were willing to have a match against our platoon. Let me know if you are up for one thanks
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hi shadsmaster, sorry for the late response and thank you for your request! We are currently about 4-5 active members a day, never really get our total of 8 together yet. I will definitely have a squad going up against you. Is that good enough? Greetings
10 years ago
Hello Guys¡¡
I am Boix-27- . I am 28 years old, and im from Spain. Nice to meet you.
i played with you this two days ago, and i have to say that play with you is fucking awesome. You play close and helping each other as a real team. I really have fun playing with you. I always play as a Doctor, So i ll be there to reanimate you ;-). My brother plays like us¡¡ like teammates, he plays very good and with the same style. His name is nitocejudo82, You will see him. As you can see, i don't speak english ver well :-( . Hope to play with you soon guys.
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hello guys¡¡
Do you see this game? His name is "The Divison". this coopperative game seems awesome¡¡ We have to get it¡¡

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84OIuVdurUQ [youtube.com]
10 years ago
Sorry I haven't answered this post earlier. We appreciate your help very much and hope to enjoy many more epic moments together!
10 years ago