[ggw] GamersGoneWild

  • Founder

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Website: www.gamersgonewild.org • Created: 2015-12-30

8,863 / 11,000

17h 19m
So you want to know what GGW is all about? That's why you're reading the "About Us" section right? Let's break it down for you.

Gamers Gone Wild is the brainchild of a 10+yr group of on-line veteran gamers, system administrators, and custom content creators. Forged for a decade in the transitional groups of the 28th Infantry Division, Third Panzer Grenadier Division, and various other groups. It was decided that strictly tactical play didn't fit the whole of the group. While our members may also be members of other groups as a whole we are GamersGoneWild, or as you may know us GGW.

It goes without saying, "We've been around the block". We have both sponsored and un-sponsored areas of GGW. Our gracious player base has allowed us to put up a host of servers and keep them up. It's been a rocky road over the years. Despite all the uphill battles many of our original members are still active and can be seen in one of the many servers we host.

We can't tell you about us without telling you that one of our sponsors, Branzone Inc., has been with us from our first server. They can be found at www.branzone.com . Brandon, an amazing tech has set up and helped maintain no less than 4 machines for us. If you have a need for a machine this is the guy to call.

Our membership ranges in age from 15 to 72 years of age. We don't play favorites and we tell it like it is. If you want to be in a tactical group, we've got it. If you want to play casually, you can find a place here too. You can be a Lone Wolf or part of an elite group of players, the choice is yours to make.

Become A GGW Member

Well we are currently accepting applications. You must be at least 15 to apply to GGW. Details can be found by clicking the forums link in the menu at the top of the page. Email verification must be validated before you can access the boards. Once validated you will need to fill out a recruitment application and post it in the recruitment section. All applications will be processed within 48 hours.


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?