[NoRi] NoRiskNoFuN

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Created: 2015-09-25

309 / 37,000

204h 11m
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NoRiskNoFun ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

♛ BF4 Competitive and Friendly Platoon - PS3

"That's the way we are playing and that's the way we like."


♦ Founders

☪ NoRi_xSwissKx3 - Turkey
☪ NoRi_xEngel - Brazil

♦ Leaders

☪ NoRi_Anonymouus04_PT - Portugal
☪ NoRi_TaurusCombat - Brazil
☪ NoRi_VitorDuarte450 - Brazil
☪ NoRi_Trabzonspor - Turkey

♦ Members

☪ NoRi_oO-JeSTeRs-Oo - United States
☪ NoRi_DoDo - France
☪ NoRi_HugoKairos - Brazil
☪ NoRi_Komagai - Brazil
☪ NoRi_PauloKlever - Brazil
☪ NoRi_RafaelHagemeyer - Brazil
☪ NoRi_Marcelo_crazy - Brazil
☪ NoRi_Swedish - Brazil
☪ NoRi_c1rk1n1m - Turkey
☪ NoRi_J0hnC0nstantine - Turkey


♦ Old clans

╔ BFA - Bullet For All
╠ SiR - SiR's of the Plague
╚ V - TeaM VirtuS

➖ These clans especially VirtuS went inactive on PS3, because the most of the members btw. friends changed to PS4..Now we need YOU to make new friendship and a lot of fun on battlefield 4!


♦ Recruitment

() Opened ( ) Closed

NoRi is now recruiting active players on BF4 PS3. We accept good players who like to play with teamplay and partnership. Teamwork, revives and respect are the essence of NoRiskNoFun. Add a founder if you are interested in joining. K/D must be higher than 1,5.


♦ Matches

-> NoRi 3-1 TeS - Domination 5v5 - Clan War (Easy clan)

http://i.imgur.com/BLXetem.jpg [i.imgur.com]

http://i.imgur.com/8xRSpZU.jpg [i.imgur.com]

The last and best round is missing bc we forgot to take a pic..

-> NoRi 2-1 EXBF - Squad Obliteration 5v5 - Clan War

-> NoRi 4-0 SK - Domination 5v5 - Clan War

-> NoRi 2-0 SK - Squad Obliteration 5v5 - Clan War

-> NoRi 4-0 rT - Conquest 10v10 - Clan War

Founded in September 25, 2015


http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/platoons/view/123125090482889442/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
FIFA 15 tournament international , do you want join ?
8 years ago • 0 Like
I don't have FIFA 15 :/
8 years ago
Battlefield 4 bug LOCKER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m9qBpW2IlI [youtube.com]
7 years ago • 0 Like
when you come on ps4 ?
8 years ago • 0 Like
First quarter of 2017
8 years ago
Hello Friends !
8 years ago • 1 Like
Hey Koma! How are you? I miss playing BF4 with friends :/
8 years ago
Hello everyone,
The ESL Amateur organizes a tournament to get his best team of the PS3 community. That is why I send you this message today.
After long reflection and after noticing that many amateur tournament took place and that this happened often wrong. We decided to do a structured tournament in the rules of esports.
This tournament will take place from June 25th from 14h until July 3 when we have our winner.
Mode: Domination
Maps: ESL
Organization: 16 teams. Group + Bracket single elimination
Here is the link of the tournament: https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/57580ef3150ba0a6328b4568/

-Each Team can engage maximum 2 line up.
-A Line up should consist of 5 incumbent players and 3 substitutes. No player change will be tolerated. For the name of the substitute thank you to send by email to the following address: eslfranceps3@gmail.com
- The software of the tournament going to ask you the email address for each participant is enough for each player just put each participant.

Tournament :
-The Tournament will take place on the game mode domination.
-The Rules are that of conventional ESL. http://www.bf-france.com/battlefield-4/actualites/10173-les-nouvelles-regles-pour-l-esport-sur-battlefield.html

- 2 maps, the map is earned on the difference in ticket (for the finals if equality will play a third map (it will be drawn))
-All Teams is accept (any nationality)
The course :
-The Matches will delay of 10 minutes are scheduled to allow.
- Chicken Matches will be played from June 25 until June 25 14h evening.
- The finals will take place from 2 July (Quarter and Half) and the final on July 3.

So much for this tournament if you have any questions please contact the above address.
Be there for your glory and finally have made turn the message.
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
ho just 5 players
8 years ago
yes just 5 players within engel and me ^^ we both are in university stress at the moment but that will change soon. Also only if one of us has time we will partipicate in a tournament ^^
8 years ago
then accept me in the clan please u_u :D
8 years ago • 0 Like
We are so good, that people even start stating that we are hacking. If you can't accept losing, like the tes clan, then don't ask for a clanwar. Don't be a baby like kingsouthwester ;)
http://i.imgur.com/BLXetem.jpg [i.imgur.com]
http://i.imgur.com/8xRSpZU.jpg [i.imgur.com]
9 years ago • 8 likes
TeS clan put in their presentation 4-0 against us..okeeey just lie u noobs x'D We didnt take pics of that match u know xD under their ANNOUNCEMENT about us they put also a video where a brazilian gacks in bf4..yeesss first of all he means all brazilians are hackers and second of all thats not a proof that we hacked in the cw againat TeS, they are just noobs and cant accept it that they lost against us 3-1. (They are thinking our top brazilian members turned hack in the second round on bc we knew we were going to loose xD But we just changed our strategie in the second round :P) He deleted all proofs of us and blocked his feed to not get more proofs of us so i sharee our cw history here :) Thx for your Patience and Time :)
9 years ago
and i mean "hacks in bf4"* not gacks xD
9 years ago
bonjour, je vous invite a allez voir ma dernière vidéos YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-a4HsAH84s [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
RvG vs NoRi ? weekend
8 years ago • 0 Like
we will get to u back as soon as we have time. Sry for that late answer
8 years ago
8 years ago • 1 Like
taurus e sanduiche seus dlçs ^^ nem fala mais comigo seus lixo (._.)
8 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago
Hello friends. I would join the nori clan . I'm a friend of taurusCombat . Thank you.
8 years ago • 2 likes
My PSN: marcelo_crazy
8 years ago
hola, les interesa una war conquista en nuestro server? contacto whatsapp +5492284557017
9 years ago • 0 Like
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/platoons/view/8951791032072056264/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Euro tournament , do you want join ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
no thx :D
9 years ago
You have 6000 hours of game :O :O :O :O
9 years ago
wtf o.o
9 years ago
sN vs NoRi dom x5? Esl rules??
9 years ago • 0 Like
add me, i have a question
9 years ago
<3 NoRi
9 years ago • 4 likes
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UpS <3 xD
9 years ago
9 years ago
Fala parças.. convidado pelo engel!
9 years ago • 3 likes