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Website: www.fearleague.enjin.com/ • Created: 2014-02-27

8,981,782 / 3,306,000

3144h 38m
• Welcome to FEAR •


FRAGGEDNATION PAGEhttp://www.fraggednation.com/clans/FEARLEAGUE [fraggednation.com]
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gwdcqgN5RNqhFcj1VcvZw [youtube.com]

FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/leagueoffearedassassins [facebook.com]
• If you would like to join us, please apply to our fearleague website above and also apply here at battlelog.

• Any suggestions, recommendations and queries are more than welcome.
Roles in Platoon:
• Founding Member : LRM (Longest running member)
» Pipesandstrings
LRMA ( longest running member Assistant )
» S_t_r_i_n_g_Sxx


»GSA (Game specific Admin for BF4 due to being a multi- game community in charge of our BF4 division )
» liamsalmon96

SMA (Social Media Admin ) Battlelog Admin

» liamsalmon96
» lightburningice
» S_t_r_i_n_g_Sxx
» Pipesandstrings

SMA ( Social media admin ) Facebook group

» lightburningice
» S_t_r_i_n_g_Sxx
» Pipesandstrings

Recruitment Team:
» pipesandstrings
» S_t_r_i_n_g_Sxx


• Recruitment threads:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494092923228/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494080611800/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

• Notice to existing members:
If you haven't signed up for the website, please do so.
You will find it at:
http://fearleague.enjin.com [fearleague.enjin.com]

Click on the button to sign up

• To all applying recruits:
Here at FEAR we pride ourselves on being a platoon of simple commitment requests, and these simple requests are referred to as the 10 commandments as follows.

• The 10 Commandments of FEAR •
1. You must have a profile on our website and the battlelog platoon that is active (by active we mean we expect to see you on there every 30 days at least excluding extreme circumstances). (UPDATED BY PIPESANDSTRINGS 9/1/14)

2. You MUST have and use a headset mic as much as possible (we consider it rude to play a team game without one).

3. Age 18+ to join (Exceptions can and will be made at Leaders Discretion).

4. Wear the platoon dogtags (FEAR) to show others you are in FEAR and show pride.

5. You must have a good attitude; be friendly and respectful to others in FEAR and other clans.

6. We do not promote platoon hoppers. If you have come to find another platoon to play with when yours is inactive; WRONG. We are a serious gaming comunity looking for others to join us and play as only FEAR.

7. PTFO (play the fucking objective)UPDATED 30/5/14 PIPESANDSTRINGS
All ps4 members must be mindful of there squad and team in game, we are a ptfo clan and have a competitive team of members that rely on communications in game to complete there objective. All ps4 members must squad up in the same side party's unless no space is available....and if u are unlucky enough to not be able to join a fear party on your team u must create a new one ( and encourage team mates to join ) or await for a free slot in an up and running team party....if mixed teams are in the same party FEAR members CANNOT communicate correctly as enemy team players will be one step in front and this defeats the PTFO commandment 7...

8. Your English speaking level must be a certain standard to join as we are recruiting MAINLY English speaking countries.

9. All members are expected to put this platoon as primary on battlelog. If you wish to move to a higher postion/rank within the clan YOU MUST UNDERTAKE 1 role/job within the platoon.
This promotes team work and shows commitment to the team. This rule does not apply to casual members.

10. All members of FEAR have the right to raise issue with Leaders/Admin about the management system of FEAR.
They may request and suggest ideas of improvement, or make official complaints about reasonable things.
Please also realise the Admin/Leaders of FEAR are busy people and will only address a complaint if it is serious and efforts have already been made at resolving differences.



Interested in a clan match with you guys. I am part of the WARP clan. I played in your server and saw that you guys play pretty well. Let me know if your interested, and what day and what time you want the match.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Interested in a rush scrim m8s ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
مشاهدة "BF4+BFHلقطات؟!" على YouTube - https://youtu.be/gBvhksFMltQ [youtu.be]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Applied =)
9 years ago • 0 Like
PS4 5v5 Dom match Friday 17th or Sat 18th? Dont dodge
9 years ago • 0 Like
I got accpeted on enjin, can you please invite me?
Looking forward to play with you guys!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi thanks for accepting my application on enjin, looking forward to playing with everyone! I have added the leaders/mods and am now just waiting to be accepted into the battlelog platoon. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
10 years ago • 1 Like
10 years ago
hi would your clan be interested in a 10v10 clan match against UTG on a conquest small game 2 maps picked your clan picks first UTG second, 2 rounds per map send me a pm if interested
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey hows it going! I saw a post on a thread about competitive platoons and I was wondering if you guys would want to get together and do a couple of scrimmages and BF4 for the PS4. Anyways, if youre interested, message me back on battlelog or PSN. Thanks

PSN: Calm_Breaths

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1629348227896514262/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Applied =)
10 years ago • 0 Like
apply here www.fearleague.com
10 years ago
We are looking to have a 10v10 Conquest Scrim , man to man with trash talking and BS. Let me know on here or XBL

Thank you
gt- sG sTuNeM
10 years ago • 0 Like
were not doing scrims /battles at the minute due to clan reorganising , we are evolving into a ps4 community , rather than a bf4 clan ...
10 years ago
Are yall still an activ clan?
10 years ago • 0 Like
yes we are
10 years ago
would you be interested in a 8vs8?
10 years ago • 0 Like
I would like to join i am a good team player like to use strategy alot was referred by garret
10 years ago • 0 Like
My names sonicbeast22 and i have sent application a couples weeks ago and it been a while for you guys to send something back. I play playstation 3 for battle field 3 and also 4. the fastest way for you to contact me is kik if you would like to . my kik username is pizzaking3 i will rerply as soon as possibly. well thank you for reading my message and i hope to get something back. bye and have a great day. :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey would you like a HC conquest large scrim against OA?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey I ve just submit my application and answered all the questions but i ve got any response yet =C
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone, I just wanted to invite you guys to an awesome tournament we are just now opening for registration! The way Battlefield was meant to be played, CQL 24v24 / 32v32! The first week of matches for the tournament will be 1 September, so sign your team up now at eyesonobjective.com Registration is FREE and your team can win $$ PSN cards! Serious clans on PS4 ONLY. Brought to you by Eyes On Objectiive in association with RIZE Official Gaming. You can check out more details about the tournament on the website under the tournament tab. Hope to see your clan in the tournament!
10 years ago • 1 Like
hey just wondering, is the platoon strictly hard core gamers, or is it open to the casual FEAR members as well?
10 years ago • 0 Like
We are open to casual as well.
10 years ago
Hello, unfortunately we had a clan bail on a scheduled match for tonight and were wondering if you were interested. Can you guys do a 24v24 conquest large against RIZE tonight 7pm pst / 10pm east?
10 years ago • 0 Like