[BFWZ] Battlefield Warzone
Website: www.bfwarzone.com •
Created: 2015-03-25
12,981 / 37,000
1067h 38m
BF Hardline Community that runs a 24/7 Block Server. No rules, just fun!
quicksplice82 and QUICKSPLICE
those are him.
Why did i get banned when i didn't go into the red zone or throw Gas Grenades?
7 years ago • 0
Nolz you need to pay me my $1000. You said "I bet you 1k all my stats are higher." All of mine are higher except K:D. Pay me my money.
7 years ago • 0
Can i please be unbanned, the game says i was banned for grenade spaming when i wasnt. the vote to kick was for another person not me.
7 years ago • 0
Hey quick, just wanted to let you know and for consideration...of you need a third horseman, especially for late nights, I can be that guy. The AC3 crew and some HAND players like Daggerman and akkaddinswife know me pretty well so you could ask them if youd like. It sucks when none of the high rankers that have authority aren't in the server cuz a crap load of cheaters come out and no one ever votes to ban. Anyways. just a thought if I could be appointed higher authority. Have a good one
7 years ago • 0
I have been perma banned from this server for a reason that is not in the ruled. When i type !rules in the chat there are no restrictions from language. I simply said F**k and i was banned. I saw another person repetitively say this. they did not get perma banned and they did not even get banned. They also didn't get kicked. If someone could help me with this please contact me. you can do this by sending me a request. I will accept it and then you can tell me what i can do. Thank you.
7 years ago • 0
i forgot to add that i think this I got banned and the other guy didn't because some of the admins do not like me
7 years ago
Dear QuickSplice, please reconsider your votekick/ban system for 24/7 BLOCK as it's being severely abused by Daggerman and AkkadiansWife. Thanks.
8 years ago • 0
Hello, I got banned without warning for the reason "Wall Glitching". I was playing as a cops near the main base on the platform of the mini mall above the two trucks and I was sniping from the corner. I didn't know that it was considered wall glitching because I didn't see any rules about, and every time I play there are several guys sniping from there and nobody complains.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I won't snipe from here now that I know that's it's not allowed on this server. Also, would it be possible to lift the ban? This is my favorite sniper server and I would really miss playing and having fun there. Thank you for your understanding.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I won't snipe from here now that I know that's it's not allowed on this server. Also, would it be possible to lift the ban? This is my favorite sniper server and I would really miss playing and having fun there. Thank you for your understanding.
8 years ago • 0
Ok, just an honest question on the server you administrate. Sir Todd says I was wall glitching, while I was on the cops side, trapped back to our base, and I was on the platform above the two trucks on the right side. I used the look around corner, where you move close to the edge, then the gun aims at angle. Then, using aim, right mouse, I can peer around and shoot. He's claiming this is a glitch. I find it cannot be called that, since you can do this on the edge of all walls, vehicles, elevators, etc. Do you always consider this as a problem (glitch)? I would suggest you put additional info regarding this, and ANY other things you consider a problem/glitch to the scrolling messages in the server. Just looking for a sincere reply, not a rant or anything to stir trouble up.
8 years ago • 2
Redd_Sanford and
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can someone tell me what punk buster is I get kicked the moment I join the game
8 years ago • 0
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there is a guy redzoning and we are votebanning and he gets back onto the sever
8 years ago • 0
Hey. We launched a new server will be happy to see you. we are for a good game , without prejudice !
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/ru/servers/show/PC/71ca010a-501e-4981-8d24-94b39925cc1c/DIE-BEST-MAPs-120-TIX-NO-RULES/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/ru/servers/show/PC/71ca010a-501e-4981-8d24-94b39925cc1c/DIE-BEST-MAPs-120-TIX-NO-RULES/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
Sziasztok,aki könnyen-gyorsan szeretne sok-sok pontot és dollárt, nézzen be a
Magyar szerverünkre,ölés nélkül hamarabb sikerül! :)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/servers/show/pc/cb98ce0d-c126-4026-addb-44f4508b1d3e/4D-Dont-kill-Dont-Drink-only-Drive/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Magyar szerverünkre,ölés nélkül hamarabb sikerül! :)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/servers/show/pc/cb98ce0d-c126-4026-addb-44f4508b1d3e/4D-Dont-kill-Dont-Drink-only-Drive/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
Can I join ssi and bfwz
i saw that you guys combined but i couldnt apply to ssi
i have been playing on your server for a long time
i saw that you guys combined but i couldnt apply to ssi
i have been playing on your server for a long time
8 years ago • 1
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