[RdC] Recios de Cai
Website: reciosdecai.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/bienvenidos-al-mundo-de-los-rdc-recios.html •
Created: 2014-02-27
386h 32m
Somos un clan creado para y por la diversión de jugar a este grandioso juego. No buscamos el convertirnos en Pro-gamers, sólo divertirnos y pasar un buen rato entre todos para conseguir un objetivo: GANAR LA PARTIDA. Y si no es así no pasa nada. Aprendemos de nuestros errores para ser cada vez mejor patrulla. Y por cierto, no hacemos exámenes de ingreso ;D
We are a clan created for fun and play this great game. We do not seek to become Pro-gamers, just have fun and have a good time with each other to achieve a goal: WINNING THE GAME. And if not, nothing happens. We learn from our mistakes to be getting better patrol. And by the way, we do not entrance exams ;D
https://www.facebook.com/groups/reciosdecai/ [facebook.com]
We are a clan created for fun and play this great game. We do not seek to become Pro-gamers, just have fun and have a good time with each other to achieve a goal: WINNING THE GAME. And if not, nothing happens. We learn from our mistakes to be getting better patrol. And by the way, we do not entrance exams ;D
https://www.facebook.com/groups/reciosdecai/ [facebook.com]