[CCG] Cheat Catchers Guild

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Website: www.ccguild.co.uk/news.php • Created: 2014-02-28

33,580,073 / 3,306,000

26139h 4m
Our community was formed on the 18th of February 2010 and we have since then been a clan dedicated to creating a game community where everyone, no matter ingame skill level can feel welcome and always be treated fair. We also spend a large part of our free time keeping our servers as clean from cheats as possible since online gaming is about playing and having fun with other people across the world and not having to play against silly programs run by noobs who couldnt play a decent game if they got payed for it.

We believe that the high popularity of all our servers and our many regulars through years and several games is a testament to this goal being achieved daily by our many friendly and dedicated members.


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
2 years ago • 0 Like
uposledzone dziecko ma admina i bawi sie w Boga ,żałosne, matahari jestes dnem bez silla
3 years ago • 1 Like
3 years ago • 1 Like
did u guys die?
3 years ago • 0 Like
St1nkySkunk dear official I do not use cheat macro automatic aim 400 hours My Account I play pompacitr 400 hours is not banned now why is it banned banning me racism made me swear bf4db blocked me from forum statistics are certain open 400 hours I did not cheat why Will I cheat after that
3 years ago • 0 Like
I've been playing games for 400 hours, my statistics are obvious why you banned me, I'll fuck your mother
3 years ago
enjoy your bf4db ban my man :D
3 years ago
Honestly guys, your server-settings are cool but a server is only as good as its admins and if your admins just change the maps even though ppl voted for something else dont be surprised if they complain. Some people only have time for one more round, were exited for the upcoming map or they wanted to play on your server because of your settings and now have to play a map that was not elected. You could have at least asked wether it was alright to play a different map or swapped to the map the round after but this is just not good admin-behaviour.
And whats also just not good is muting ppl for complaining. Muting for criticism, that did not include insults or something like that also makes you look kind of like badmins. Especially if you just mute everybody who ever complained and not the one or two penetrant ones. In generall I hope you just think about it and dont act like fools anymore because this way you unneccesarilly pull down your server.
3 years ago • 0 Like
And as it seems I am not the only one that noticed your cocky behaviour
3 years ago
Thanks for your feedback tripper and we appreciate you felt frustrated, but as we explained we sometimes will change maps as it keeps the server fresh and regulars often ask for us to do this.

As for you comment about us muting people for complaining and criticising, I'm sure you were aware that we explained in game exactly as I have here to you, however a couple of players would not stop complaining despite being told multiple times that enough was enough and these were the players who were muted. Unfortunately you too joined in and were also asked to stop, when you didn't I muted you.
I'm glad you enjoyed our server and you are welcome back anytime, but please listen when an admin asks you to do something.
3 years ago
imagine get banned for multihacking, but im not using a hack. well played St1nkySkunk
with your 1.19 KD. Hardstuck Player at all XDDDD
3 years ago • 1 Like
sorry i mean with your negative deaths XDDDDD
3 years ago
clap clap, BIG autist detected, ICE GOLD ( go to play sims4 mongolian kid) like all this team. A lot of comments here, Em 0.8 ohhhhhhh, continue like that .
3 years ago • 4 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
Your behaviour and racism is giving a perfect message about what kind of people are we dealing here (you).
3 years ago
3 years ago
"Dedicated to creating a game community where everyone, no matter ingame skill level can feel welcome and always be treated fair."
I dont think so
3 years ago • 2 likes
catch my shit with your lips dogs
3 years ago • 0 Like
MataHari88 im going to fuck entire ur familly in ass u fking pice of shit.Drink my piss with ur slut mom u fking dog.Im going to fuck ur mom throat imbecile dumb fuck.FUCKING ADMIN BITCH
3 years ago • 0 Like
hi hi
3 years ago
no need for that if you dont follow the rules what do you expect
3 years ago
BADMINS everywhere, they are bad at the game so they change the rules on the fly then kill you for no reason they are abusing admin powers, kicking you from the server for being mad at them, cause they are so bad at the game! ShrikeP15 you are a retard, get good at the game and stop ruining someone's experience with being an asshole. You guys have a amazing custom server but with badmins like that you make people rage and hate the game! There is no reason at all killing someone as admin cause you can't kill him as player. If there are vehicles on the map and everyone is allowed to use them, why the fuck I am not allowed?! If you are trash then learn how to play and don't abuse your powers!
3 years ago • 1 Like
If you want to discuss this in a mature way come to our forum ccguild.co.uk
3 years ago
3 years ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
This account is not a cheat(Заявленная причина: накрутка аккаунта plz апелляция на форумах CCG (mog3))
4 years ago • 0 Like
This account is not a cheat(Заявленная причина: накрутка аккаунта plz апелляция на форумах CCG (mog3))
4 years ago • 0 Like
arteran u just noob 1 time baserape no warning and u kicked me
4 years ago • 0 Like
Try reading the rules next time
4 years ago
Hi guys ,im KAKASI im everyday on your BF3 Banana Server, and it is great.Great Adminds Tezza,Evil EY, HD Bullet and anad and.But the Server has a massiv Problem with pingkicker.I play from germany 100 Mbits Glass fiber .i have a ping from konstant 25 ,ever !!!But somtimes kick me the server ,and at reason ,stands your ping is "mayby" 163 Ping and its to high.Thats the reason why server kick you.But this is unpossible.I ask tezza and he said that all Admins knows that problem,and wanna fix it bu nothing happens.Im not alone with that problem.Everybody says that he have all this Highping kicking without reason .PLEASE FIX IT CCG.GREETINGS KAKASHI .
4 years ago • 0 Like
Banana Shit Server
get kicked coz killing in the AA
mog3 is a f*cking ass
4 years ago • 0 Like