Dr-Stitch-94 and
---ALPHA-2O24--- are now friends
Latest login:
►───────────── References ────────────◄
─ all Assigments done
─ all Co-Op missions done
─ all Medals collected
─ all Unlocks achieved
─ all Guns mastered
─ all Origin Achievements completed
─ 486 / 524 Dogtags collected
►───────────── Platforms ─────────────◄
Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/ORION_KATARN/
RSI : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/ORION-88
Uplay : *broken atm*
►───────────── Opinions ─────────────-◄
favorite Modes : Conquest / Rush / CTF
favorite Maps : Kiasar Railroad / Grand Bazaar / Métro / Ziba Tower
favorite Weapons : SPAS-12 / M416 / Xbow scoped
favorite Vehicles : Main Battle Tank / Little Bird / Dirtbike
favorite achieved Medals : Air Superiority Medal / Domination Medal / Melee Medal
favorite Assignments : Rambo / Willhelm Tell / Scar Spangled Banner
►──────────── Best Moment ────────────◄
Running away from an angry Tank, while laying C4 all the way, turning around and saying "Surprise Mother F***" (3 Kills)
─ all Assigments done
─ all Co-Op missions done
─ all Medals collected
─ all Unlocks achieved
─ all Guns mastered
─ all Origin Achievements completed
─ 486 / 524 Dogtags collected
►───────────── Platforms ─────────────◄
Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/ORION_KATARN/
RSI : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/ORION-88
Uplay : *broken atm*
►───────────── Opinions ─────────────-◄
favorite Modes : Conquest / Rush / CTF
favorite Maps : Kiasar Railroad / Grand Bazaar / Métro / Ziba Tower
favorite Weapons : SPAS-12 / M416 / Xbow scoped
favorite Vehicles : Main Battle Tank / Little Bird / Dirtbike
favorite achieved Medals : Air Superiority Medal / Domination Medal / Melee Medal
favorite Assignments : Rambo / Willhelm Tell / Scar Spangled Banner
►──────────── Best Moment ────────────◄
Running away from an angry Tank, while laying C4 all the way, turning around and saying "Surprise Mother F***" (3 Kills)