
Latest login: Denmark Denmark


»Online Games»
Delta Force ( NovaLogic ) ┤├ all DF games ┤├ 1998 ↔ 2005

Battlefield ░1-2-3-4░
America's Army ░1-2-3-4░
DTDK / Delta team Denmark / 1998 ↔ 2000 ♠Delta Force 1♠

=SFG= / =Special Forces Group= 2000 ↔ 2005 ♠Delta Force Black Hawk down♠ †∩† America's Army 1 and 2

-TU- / The Unforgivable / 2005 ↔ 2010 †∩† America's Army 1 - 2 - 3

[DVF] / Danish Viking Force / 2010 ↔ 2015 †∩† America's Army 2 - 3

▓╣Team Warfare league (2001 ↔ 2012) - TWL╠▓

▲▼ Now we are retired, and we don't recruit !! ▲▼

♣ now we play on »» BF4 - TiMe NEVER KILL FLAG | FAST XP & RANK & UNLOCK

♣ and if you need help with assignment

wisit us here → »» BF4 - TiMe Assignment & Unlock only Server

contact for help to assignment Δ Kingpin_13 ΔΔ Hangman_13 Δ ♣

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆۩ novus ordo seclorum ۩∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
