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___________ H I S T O R Y ___________
► I'm a Competitive Player Infantry - From Chile ✌
♛Achievements ♛
♛1st - [oR66] COPA MAXVICIOS S.A 2016
♛1st - [oR66] Torneo Masacre Latam Cup 2016
♛1st - [cL] Cup Latam Ps3 10v10
♛1st - [BNC] Masacre Cup 2 Only Locker
♛1st - [GnG] Europe Cup T5
♛1st - [GnG] Cup Domination PS3
♛1st - [aMz] Cup nG Season 4 x5 Squad Obli
♛1st - [RoF] Torneo LBL CQ
♛1st - [RoF] Torneo Only Locker
♛1st - [nT] Royale Cup
♛1st - [nT] Combate 6&6 Locker
♛1st - [nT] Kings of Locker
♛1st - [oXi] Kings of Conquest
☞ Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOZNBLH3SC4469zMCyPkEA
☞ WhatsApp:
► I'm a Competitive Player Infantry - From Chile ✌
♛Achievements ♛
♛1st - [oR66] COPA MAXVICIOS S.A 2016
♛1st - [oR66] Torneo Masacre Latam Cup 2016
♛1st - [cL] Cup Latam Ps3 10v10
♛1st - [BNC] Masacre Cup 2 Only Locker
♛1st - [GnG] Europe Cup T5
♛1st - [GnG] Cup Domination PS3
♛1st - [aMz] Cup nG Season 4 x5 Squad Obli
♛1st - [RoF] Torneo LBL CQ
♛1st - [RoF] Torneo Only Locker
♛1st - [nT] Royale Cup
♛1st - [nT] Combate 6&6 Locker
♛1st - [nT] Kings of Locker
♛1st - [oXi] Kings of Conquest
☞ Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOZNBLH3SC4469zMCyPkEA
☞ WhatsApp:
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