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Hi bf4 Player,

i decided to write here after playing 1500 playing hours, because it was claimed that i do cheat. In short, i hate cheaters!

They demotivate community, especially the new members. I never understand motivation behind cheating. It is No Fun. I think, these kind of people have fun, because they can annoy the other players. Do not let them annoy you! Make video recordings (as spectator) and publish these videos, or be creative find your own solution! But please continue play this great game in a dedicated manner!

I play 400 hours in Fast Attack Boat. I never stop and always in move. I am not the best boat driver, but i am really FAST with 2 kills/minute!

Look at my my Loadout, may be, you will find some tips.

Many times my boat was repaired & my life saved by 25gE--Kim! Best hack is a good team!

Your Nirvana
666_Nirvana_666 is only sharing this with friends.
