✔Create bf3 account
✔Be an annoying c4 spammer
✔ Glitching on metro
✔ Professional MK3A1 noob
✔ Tank noob
✔ 1911 kills with m1911 S-TAC
✔ Be a jumping parrot with ACW-R
× Tank destroyer 100 service stars
✔ 100 combat efficiency medals
✔ 100 C4 service stars
✔ Permanent global ban
✔Create bf3 account
✔Be an annoying c4 spammer
✔ Glitching on metro
✔ Professional MK3A1 noob
✔ Tank noob
✔ 1911 kills with m1911 S-TAC
✔ Be a jumping parrot with ACW-R
× Tank destroyer 100 service stars
✔ 100 combat efficiency medals
✔ 100 C4 service stars
✔ Permanent global ban