♠ Welcome to my Profile ! ♠
♠ I am a Attack Helicopter Pilot and Gunner. ♠
♠ 10/10 Player can prove that I play Tow
♠ You can join my fun Air Platoon
♠ Keep going to the 12k
❖Gunner: III-Anouncer-III ; CakeDispencer ❖
❖Pilot: SgtColGeneral ; Darile23 ❖
》》PM me, if you wanna take a flight. ! 《《
❖PC- Setup❖
➤ Graphics Card: GeForce Gtx 970
➤Processor: Intel Core i5
➤SSD:480GB crucial BX100
➤HDD:1 TB Seagate Desktop HDD
➤Build in a Corsair Spec- 03
♠ I am a Attack Helicopter Pilot and Gunner. ♠
♠ 10/10 Player can prove that I play Tow
♠ You can join my fun Air Platoon
♠ Keep going to the 12k
❖Gunner: III-Anouncer-III ; CakeDispencer ❖
❖Pilot: SgtColGeneral ; Darile23 ❖
》》PM me, if you wanna take a flight. ! 《《
❖PC- Setup❖
➤ Graphics Card: GeForce Gtx 970
➤Processor: Intel Core i5
➤SSD:480GB crucial BX100
➤HDD:1 TB Seagate Desktop HDD
➤Build in a Corsair Spec- 03
AH1Z_Delta is only sharing this with friends.