I do it all..... not brilliantly, but hell who cares!
Love the vehicles. Tanks, LAV'S, Heli's... gimme gimme gimme!
Gamertag: Ace Eyed Ace
Born: 28/04/1987
Favorite weapon: M4
Do miss the M4A1 though....
Vehicle of choice: Any LAV
31/07/14 - My YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/AceEyedAce
Love the vehicles. Tanks, LAV'S, Heli's... gimme gimme gimme!
Gamertag: Ace Eyed Ace
Born: 28/04/1987
Favorite weapon: M4
Do miss the M4A1 though....
Vehicle of choice: Any LAV
31/07/14 - My YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/AceEyedAce