Live AT https://www.twitch.tv/airsaaan
Apex Legends: Poland preseason invitational
Apex Legends: Qualified for Texas Major
Apex Legends: AO runner up
Apex Legends: T1 KR league champs
2nd in ESL ONE BF4 Oceania Season 5 2015 - SoV
Xbox: bf3:SOR Cybergamer season 1-2-3 sqd rush champions
Cybergamer Season 4 Squad Rush: Winner Grand Finals --- Pro Circuit ExpR
SOR season 1,3,4 ESGN Winners
Bf4: Square 1 season 1 Defuse Champs fE (didnt drop a map) AUS
US: iLLm ESL s1 Winners streak of 22 straight W's. 1N bf4 conquest: Level BF Conquest winners
BFH: Rescue s1 winners iLLm
Sens: 8% 800dpi, 1000hz polling 6/11 windows
Res: 1920x1080
Fov: 106 hori
ads: 133%
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfR3BRn0QM69gcH6MOijaPA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/airsaaan
Apex Legends: Poland preseason invitational
Apex Legends: Qualified for Texas Major
Apex Legends: AO runner up
Apex Legends: T1 KR league champs
2nd in ESL ONE BF4 Oceania Season 5 2015 - SoV
Xbox: bf3:SOR Cybergamer season 1-2-3 sqd rush champions
Cybergamer Season 4 Squad Rush: Winner Grand Finals --- Pro Circuit ExpR
SOR season 1,3,4 ESGN Winners
Bf4: Square 1 season 1 Defuse Champs fE (didnt drop a map) AUS
US: iLLm ESL s1 Winners streak of 22 straight W's. 1N bf4 conquest: Level BF Conquest winners
BFH: Rescue s1 winners iLLm
Sens: 8% 800dpi, 1000hz polling 6/11 windows
Res: 1920x1080
Fov: 106 hori
ads: 133%
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfR3BRn0QM69gcH6MOijaPA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/airsaaan
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