I'm the world champ you know. I bet you can't beat me! *squee*
Add me on steam if you've already added me here :)
Age: 22
Pwny emblems I've made for you to use:
I will keep making more and better ones until i say otherwise :P
Motherboard: MSI - G45 Gaming ATX, i7 4790K, GTX 980, 16GB RAM 1600MHz.
Add me on steam if you've already added me here :)
Age: 22
Pwny emblems I've made for you to use:
I will keep making more and better ones until i say otherwise :P
Motherboard: MSI - G45 Gaming ATX, i7 4790K, GTX 980, 16GB RAM 1600MHz.
Alienpope is only sharing this with friends.