Before the bavihoane arrived there where no problems at all. All players where happy and all played along as if they where friends for ages. No shouting, no camping, Just all the good stuf what makes our evryday life just that littlebit better with a good game of Bf4.
But then there was a change.... Headshot made by bavihoane... How to f*ck did he managed that? That distance... The fog.. The heavely rain... No way that there is a player that wel! Then after respown, Another!!
And sinds that moment warfare begane.
(All misspels are blamed to the autocorrect)
But then there was a change.... Headshot made by bavihoane... How to f*ck did he managed that? That distance... The fog.. The heavely rain... No way that there is a player that wel! Then after respown, Another!!
And sinds that moment warfare begane.
(All misspels are blamed to the autocorrect)