I play Assault and mainly Infantry only, tho I have the odd dabble in Vehicles. I need to play more of BF3 as I haven't played alot tho I like TDM and of course Conquest, but im a worthy Medic for any squad in any game mode.
I like to play mainly Engey or Support tho I'm a excellent mid range sniper (objectively), love to Heli, Tank or Fly Jets and Conquest is my game mode choice.
I like close squad gameplay and tactics, I like to look past all the bugs, glitches and hackers and I like to immerse myself In the battle and proceed to victory through tight constructed squad gameplay.
KD truly is irrelevant to me as I play objective game modes and I'm generally not a stat whore so please don't judge my abilities on statistics.
[Wise Words]
"In order for one to take something from another, one must be as equally prepared to loose as much as one is willing to take"