Born in 1975 and gaming since 1987 :)
After 10 years CS,CSS and CSGO.Now only active on BF4.
I try to master every single weapon in the game.
Progress : 500 kills or more with 117 weapons.
500 kills with all ASSAULT RIFLES (X)
500 kills with all CARBINES (X)
500 kills with all PDWS (X)
500 kills with all LMGS (X)
500 kills with all SHOTGUNS (X)
500 kills with all HANDGUNS (X)
500 kills with all DMRS (X)
After 10 years CS,CSS and CSGO.Now only active on BF4.
I try to master every single weapon in the game.
Progress : 500 kills or more with 117 weapons.
500 kills with all ASSAULT RIFLES (X)
500 kills with all CARBINES (X)
500 kills with all PDWS (X)
500 kills with all LMGS (X)
500 kills with all SHOTGUNS (X)
500 kills with all HANDGUNS (X)
500 kills with all DMRS (X)
Caipion is only sharing this with friends.