> First to play BF4 Beta. Lawl.
>First to get annihilated by the ban hammer when Rent-a-Server was released.. Lawl.
> Last to actually give a damn what others think. Lawl.
--->>> First person to ever get a 3-man quad kill with one rail-gun bullet.
--->>> First to get a triple kill with the Phantom Bow.
On a serious matter.. I'm random, Love anime, and a lot more.
If I have a profile pic that's anime and kinda nude-ish, deal with it.
No, I'm not a guy. No, I will not date you. No, I will not add you on xbox. Yes, I will add you on here. Yes, I'm a mild attention whore. No, I'm not a expert at Battlefield. But I will correct you when I know something is wrong with your post. Oh. And before you call someone bad, check your own stats first to prove if you even have room to talk.
>First to get annihilated by the ban hammer when Rent-a-Server was released.. Lawl.
> Last to actually give a damn what others think. Lawl.
--->>> First person to ever get a 3-man quad kill with one rail-gun bullet.
--->>> First to get a triple kill with the Phantom Bow.
On a serious matter.. I'm random, Love anime, and a lot more.
If I have a profile pic that's anime and kinda nude-ish, deal with it.
No, I'm not a guy. No, I will not date you. No, I will not add you on xbox. Yes, I will add you on here. Yes, I'm a mild attention whore. No, I'm not a expert at Battlefield. But I will correct you when I know something is wrong with your post. Oh. And before you call someone bad, check your own stats first to prove if you even have room to talk.
CyberneticLatex is only sharing this with friends.