Latest login:
Hey guys if there is something feel free to contact me via psn.
Some Stats
Bad Company 2:
Darkness0105 / http://bit.ly/19yT1Um
o_DayBreaker_o / http://bit.ly/1ahuIHv
Battlefield 3:
DemonAnarchy (PS3) / http://bit.ly/1fTJxUM
DemonAnarchy (PC) / http://bit.ly/1cg2DAe
Clan History
BC2: SoH, pd, pp
BF3: vVv, LoD, TAo, pp
BF4: pp
Some Stats
Bad Company 2:
Darkness0105 / http://bit.ly/19yT1Um
o_DayBreaker_o / http://bit.ly/1ahuIHv
Battlefield 3:
DemonAnarchy (PS3) / http://bit.ly/1fTJxUM
DemonAnarchy (PC) / http://bit.ly/1cg2DAe
Clan History
BC2: SoH, pd, pp
BF3: vVv, LoD, TAo, pp
BF4: pp
DemonAnarchy is only sharing this with friends.