I still wear head bands while I play, at first it was to look cool. Now it is to cover up my rabidly receding hairline. I have officially entered the "bat man" or "batwing" stage of hair loss where genetics is just teasing me by making my widows peak the prominent force of my hair. It is soon going to move into the full, cabbage patch bald on top party on 3 sides. I call this the "Uncle who takes u fishing but u still don't really like" style. However once this occurs I can broaden horizons as I now qualify to get my special razor and hot wheels hybrid from the Vinn Diesal bald bald men hairy shoulders foundation. With my new beautiful un officially licensed hotwheels razor, hats arnt the answer ask a bald guy finger dome chromer. I also signed up for basically weight watcher for bald guys..we just talk crap BALDYS,Beautiful Awesome Leopard Duck Yeet Squeeee. My best bro I just met recently Chadrick R. actually is the founder of BALDY where basically like best friends now. He's really
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