5% sorte,15% dom,30% é levantar com superação,50% treino com muita dedicação.
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Operation Locker
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Golmud Railway
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Operation Locker
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Operation Locker
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Lancang Dam
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Golmud Railway
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Hainan Resort
FabioLemos_RJ won a round of Team Deathmatch on Flood Zone
FabioLemos_RJ played a round of Team Deathmatch on Golmud Railway