FiodorKing purchased UMP-45
=-=-=-=-=-=-FiodorKing_Master Of AEK=-=-=-=-=-=
-1st place MVP Ribbon in Poland
hue hue hue
Hate "Only Locker" Players
D=Lag...If you have ping 100 or bigger, you are lager.
$$$$$$$-MY PLAYROOM-$$$$$$$
--------------PS4, PS3, PS VITA-------------
--------VORTEX KONTROL FREEK--------
--------MONITOR--BENQ XL2420Z--------
----------HS SONY OFFICIAL 7.1 ------
MY Conection ( Fuck all lagers, hate them)
-1st place MVP Ribbon in Poland
hue hue hue
Hate "Only Locker" Players
D=Lag...If you have ping 100 or bigger, you are lager.
$$$$$$$-MY PLAYROOM-$$$$$$$
--------------PS4, PS3, PS VITA-------------
--------VORTEX KONTROL FREEK--------
--------MONITOR--BENQ XL2420Z--------
----------HS SONY OFFICIAL 7.1 ------
MY Conection ( Fuck all lagers, hate them)