
Latest login: Germany Germany


Im just a regular guy who likes to play FPS.
Im more of an infantry person.
Im a HORRIBLE jet pilot, but a pretty OK heli pilot.
I LOVE TDM. You can probably tell. I have over 700 hrs of game time, but Im not even close to max rank.. I also just started using XP Boost. I have over 500 boosts left.
And I love assault rifles. I mastered all of them rather quickly.

When I get killed around the corner (still happens a lot) : http://i.imgur.com/6euw3.gif

When I play PC Games: http://media.giphy.com/media/g8GfH3i5F0hby/giphy.gif

Schule ist doof :(
-Every Kid ever

FuZionHiT is only sharing this with friends.
