I am a forty year old og gamer from Hell! I have been around since the introduction of video games to the pulblic and have played since then as well. I am not new to the Battlefield experience but am relatively new to this and all PC games for that matter have always used consoles for my gaming! The graphics are amazing and the gameplay very detailed danced a jig when wife let me buy this game. I am getting better unfortunately it will be for not because of BF4 but at least I will be able to compete. I have only used the TS once with Link. I don't quite get it if y'all have the time please help me figure it out. I don't mean to ignore anyone so if I have sorry I am just having fun in a room or spacing out and forgot to shutdown game. Loving this game trying to learn to squad up. I have a hard time staying in one place because that is when I get shot the most so I keep running and sometimes the squad is totally doing the opposite that is where I need to learn TS so I can be informed.